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It hasn't been that bad lately. Michael even allowed me to take off the rope after a while. He visits me a lot often now but that's mostly from me not being tied up anymore.

He even tried to let me walk around outside of the farm with him. But...that quickly ended when he suddenly had a slit a cops neck who saw us. I didn't talk to Michael for a long time after that.

But here we are now, sitting down on the gross barn ground eating bread and drinking water. Truthfully I was the only one eating he was just staring at me like a creep.

"So...Michael, when...when can I go home?"

No answer.

"You can't keep me here forever. Someone will find me one day."

Still no answer.

"God damnit Michael! Let me go!-"


Michael had ended up slamming his fist on a nearby wooden crate. His eyes never left mine even after I ended up looking away.

"Michael...you can't do this I-"

His hand was placed tightly against my throat. He was choking me. This is how I die. Away from my family and with this sick freak.

I kicked and clawed did anything I could but it was no use. Right as I was about to black out I weakly whispered, "you won.."

His grip loosened and he ended up moving away his hand and slightly tilting his head. I took a couple seconds to catch my breath and whispered, "the bet..we made as...kids."

I weakly laughed and said, "remember...we made a bet to see who would be stronger once we're...older."

His head raised then looked down. If you weren't looking carefully you would have missed it. But if you did, you can see his shoulders slowly rise and fall as if he was laughing under that mask.

This caused me to laugh too.

"Oh man...was I wrong..to ever think that...I would be stronger..."

And with that my eyes slowly closed.

I had fainted.

Heeeyyy...soooo hopefully nobody is mad at me for being gone for a while. I had suddenly lost the energy to write anything but after reading the comments and rewatching a lot of horror movies I remembered the great time I had writing chapters for these stories and as I was writing this chapter all the love I had before came back. Once again I'm sorry for being gone so long but hopefully I'll be back for a long time 🤍

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