14 (Halloween Eve)

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It's been two days since my run in with Dr. Loomis. I still never called him. I think he was and still is a psycho.

It's been over 15 years Michael wouldn't remember me at all I'll be fine. Or...maybe I should start packing my bags? No no I need to stick around with Laurie.

Halloween was tomorrow...that must be why I'm thinking like this. I just need to calm down. Maybe going shopping for a Halloween costume would help me? Yeah, let's try that.

I walked outside the door and into my car. I threw my purse on the passenger seat and paused wide eyed. There was a small piece of candy. I haven't ate candy in a while...I was planning to pick some up at the store while getting a costume.

The weird thing was it looked like it just been placed there. It didn't look old...it looked fresh. I picked up the piece of candy and unwrapped it. It didn't look like anything was wrong with it. My mom taught me better though, I wrapped it back up and got out my car to put it in the crash can.

When I got back I sighed and started the car. With one quick look around the car, I drove off.

Time skip ~

I ended up going to my work place to get the costume. I almost walked away once I saw who was working. It was my VERY annoying coworker, Kodi.

He was an 19 year old horror movie addict. He's the type of person that if there was a zombie apocalypse, you would want to be with him. Not because he was strong. But because he was stupidly smart.

Before I even had the chance to walk away he had already called me in.

"(Y/N)! Come on in!"

I sighed and walked in giving him the best smile I could come up with.

"Hi kodi..." I said.

He gave me a big smile and ran up to me giving me the tightest hug. I patted his back and pushed away.

"So! What do you need!" As Kodi asked that I could feel his spit flying into my face.

"Just a costume.." I mumbled while wiping the spit off my face. He gave me a big nod and walked back to the counter after I told him I didn't need any help.

Since we would be with Tommy I didn't want anything to revealing. Maybe a cat? No...that's too basic.

Hmm...maybe a dead bride? Yeah! That would be fun!

I picked up the costume and grabbed some makeup and face paint, as well as get some candy.

When I got to the counter Kodi smiled so big showing me all his gums.

"You're going to be the best vampire out there!," Kodi exclaimed. I smiled and said, "I'm a corpse bride..."

His face fell in an embarrassed way, "oh."

After that he silently checked out my items and handed me a bag. I mumbled a thank you and headed to my car.

Kodi wasn't all that bad he was just...weird.

When I got into the car there was another...candy. Someone must be playing tricks on me. They weren't funny...they were starting to get creepy.

I slowly picked up and candy this time it looked like it had been unwrapped. I carefully opened it and on the inside on the wrapper it said "trick or treat." 

My heart was starting to beat really fast. My hand was shakily going to the door handle. Before I could open it someone grabbed me from the backseat.

I screamed so loud and immediately covered my neck. I bit the hand that was on top of mine and heard a faint "ow" in that moment I managed to push their hands on mine and get out the car.

When I looked back I stopped, seeing one of my friends, Alex in the backseat laughing his ass off.

I angrily slammed open the door and dragged him out.

"What the fuck!," I yelled at him. Still laughing he pointed at me and said, "you should of seen the look on your face!"

I grabbed my hair and said "that wasn't funny! I thought I was going to die!" Tears started to stream down my face. That was when his laughing stopped.

"Listen (N/N), I'm sorry...I thought it would be a good Halloween prank!" He pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back up and down.

I pulled away and said, "Yeah well Halloween's tomorrow asshole."

With that I pushed him away and got into my car driving away. Even if it may had been just us on that street at that time. It seemed as if there was someone else watching us.

"Shut up (Y/N) it's just your head messing with you" I mumbled to myself. I tried my best to just focus on driving.

When I got home I was really tired. I threw my costume and everything on the couch and marched up the stairs into my bedroom. As soon as I got the bed I was out like a light.

1 day until Halloween

Okay so in reality it's already Halloween. This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I was so tired so I set FOUR alarms to wake me up which none did. So I'm posting this one right now and the big chapter for Michael will be posted later on in the day.

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