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It's been a day since the fight. When my parents found out what happened they didn't believe it at first. How could their little girl out of all people get involved with a fight?

Once they learned the whole story of how the fight happened my dad calmed down just a bit. My mom on the other hand, when she found out it was those same boys she was furious. She started to mumble curses and saying things like "who raised these children."

My dad praised me for sticking up for myself and Michael. Speaking of Michael whenever we got inside the principal's office it was like he expected Michael to show up.

Yesterday in the office:

We walked inside the office still hand in hand. The principal was sitting behind his desk in his chair with his hands underneath his chin. "Michael and...Y/N right? First day of school and already in a fight." I felt my cheeks heat up out of embarrassment. "It was self defense..." I said.

"Running up to a student who had their back turned away from you and hitting them on the head with a food tray is...self defense?" I looked at him slowly tilting my head. "Yesss...?"

Michael rolled his eyes and said "she was defending me. They had me on the ground punching me nonstop."

The principal's eyes widen and shook his head with a sigh. "No matter the excuse I'll have to call your parents. Michael since this isn't the first time this has happened your suspended for a week. Y/N you're suspended for three days since you're new and this is only the first time."

Michael groaned and watched as the principal walked towards the phone. I was too busy sweating bullets afraid I was going to get in trouble.

Present time:

I was in my room grounded. Even if I wasn't necessarily in the wrong for what I did. That doesn't mean my parents would let me off the hook that easily. Getting suspended is a big thing...especially if it's on your first day of school. I wonder what that guy was talking about to make Michael so upset though? What exactly was he hiding from me? My thoughts were washed away by a knock on my door.

"Y/N! Michaels here! He wants to talk to you." My dad said. A small smile made its way to my face and said "Alright coming!" I quickly put on a pair of shoes and a jacket and ran downstairs into the living room where I saw the one and only Michael Myers.

"Hey, Michael!" I said with a bright smile. He turned towards me and said "Y/N! Hi!" I walked closer towards him and asked "why are you here? Are you not grounded?" He looked away with a blush on his face and said "I wanted to apologize for dragging you into this...if it wasn't for me you would have tons of other friends."

I took a couple of steps closer to him and wrapped my tiny arms around his waist, "Michael! Don't be sad! I'd rather be friends with you than anyone of those meanies any day!"

He gave me a bright smile and said "really? I would choose you over them as well! Do you wanna go to the park with me?" It was my turn to blush now. I turned to my mom with an embarrassing but pleading look on my face. She gave me a slight smirk and a nod.

I turned back to Michael and said "Of course! Let's go!"

Michael smiled and grabbed my hand leading me out the door. While we were walking he wouldn't let go of my hand. I was a blushing mess the whole time. I looked back at Michael just to see he was having the same reaction.

Time skip~

When we arrived at the park I immediately checked to see who else was here. Lucky for us the boys weren't there.

Michael dragged me to the swings and told me to get on. When I got on he started to push me. He was pushing me for a while. We were laughing and having fun until he stopped. I stopped the swing by using my feet and looked back. He had his head down trying to hide his face.

I got off the swing and walked next to him. "Michael, what's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me with a small blush and said "w-would you like to be my girlfriend..?"

My eyes widen. Was the Michael Myers asking me out? My face was a bright shade of red. I didn't know what to say. It's true I did have a crush on Michael but we were only six. I decided to go for it. I mean...there is a first for everything.

"S-sure." I stuttered out. If we didn't look like strawberries before. We must have now. It was quiet for a few seconds. We were both trying to wrap our minds over what just happened. Once it hit us that I said yes. Huge smiles grew on our faces.

Michael turned to me with a big smile and said "Really?! Promise?!" Looking at him matching his smile I stuck out my pinky finger and said "pinky promise!" He stuck out his pinky and wrapped it around mine "pinky promise" he said with a soft smile.

Time skip~

We spent an hour more playing and talking at the playground before we decided it was time to go. Michael decided to walk me home never letting go of my hand.

When we arrived in our neighborhood Michael started walking a lot slower. He was dragging his feet and pulling me back slightly.

"What's wrong Michael?" I asked tilting my head. He grumbled and said, "I don't want you to leave me."

For the millionth time today, my face flushed. It quickly turned into discomfort as Michael started to squeeze my hand harder.

"Michael! Ow! My hand!" I shouted. He quickly took his hand away from mine. His eyes widen and said "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

We already arrived at my house so I turned to Michael and said "I-it's alright. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!"

I ran inside the house the straight into my room. I didn't even bother looking at my parents. I looked down at my hand to see a big red spot on where he was squeezing it. I looked out my window to see Michael looking straight back at me from his porch. My eyes widen. I quickly backed away from the window. My heart was pounding inside my chest. The look on his face was scary. It was morphed with so many emotions. Anger, sadness, and confusion.

His eyes. They were so clouded...it was like looking into the eyes of the devil.

October 23, 1993
8 days until Halloween

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