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15 years later...


"mmmm" I groaned. I turned around and slowly sat up from the bed. I turned off the alarm clock and as I was about to get out of bed I was pulled back down.

I giggled and turned to face my boyfriend of 3 years, Joey.

"Joeyy I have to get up. You know how I agreed to give Laurie and her friends a ride to school." I said while smiling.

He put his face in the crook of my neck and started to give me light kisses.

"They're teenagers...they can walk," he whispered. I sighed and pushed him away.

"And you're an adult. You need to get ready for work." I sassily responded back.

He sat up and rolled his eyes. I went into the bathroom and started to change into my work clothes. I worked at an Halloween costume store.

Since Halloween is just six days away we've been really busy. I've even had to put in extra hours since a few of my coworkers all just quit unexpectedly without telling me.

As soon as I was done getting ready I grabbed a cup of coffee and called Laurie to tell her I was on my way.

I knew Laurie was Michael's sister. My mom was the one to tell me she had gotten adopted. I never told her that she was though. The reason for that was I already got made fun of and avoided for once "dating" THE Michael Myers. I didn't want the same to happen to her, she's like a little sister to me.

Once I heard about Mrs. Myers death I was heart broken knowing I could have stopped it. I also moved back to Haddonfield in order to protect Laurie for her. It was the least I could do.

I blew the horn outside of Laurie's house and waited a few seconds before she came outside.

"Laurie~!" I shouted. She laughed and got in the car. I grabbed her book sack and placed it in the backseat.

"So, where does Annie and Lynda live again?" I asked.

Time skip~

"That will be $16," I told the lady who was buying her son a costume. She smiled and handed me the money. I gave her, her costume and watched them leave.

I started to wipe down the counters till I heard someone walk in.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" I asked while looking up. I froze. It was one of the bully's from my childhood.

He wasn't mean to me as before but I can tell there's still hate after what Michael did.

"Hey...Jake. What can I do for you?" He looked up at me with a stressed look.

"Do you have a princess costume by any chance? I had already bought my daughter one but she didn't like it so I need a new one," he told me with a sigh.

'Follow me.' I mumbled. I walked with him to the back of the store and showed him our newer dresses that came in not to long ago.

"These are going to be more expensive since they're new...maybe around $20." I told him with a small smile.

He smiled back and said, "that's fine anything to make my princess happy."

We both laughed and went back to the counter. I scanned the dress and handed it back to him getting money in return.

Once he left I went back to cleaning. After a few minutes I was now cleaning the counter closer to the window. It felt as if...someone was watching me.

I turned my head and looked out the window. There was a....man? He was wearing a plain white mask with a blue mechanic suit.

I tilted my head and he copied my actions. I nodded and turned around feeling creeped out. When I turned back around he was gone.

I let the feeling go and decided to continue to clean up in order to go home.

Time skip~

"Babe I'm home!" I yelled out. I immediately shut up though. There was women clothing everywhere. I silently laughed and picked up a bra.

I went into the kitchen, picked up a knife...and went to the bedroom. I placed my ear on the door just to hear a bunch of moans.

"Okay calm down (Y/N) you got this" I thought to my self.

I counted to three in my head then busted in. They both jumped up.

"B-Babe! It's not what it looks like!" Joey exclaimed.

I pointed the knife at him, still standing by the door and yelled, "yeah? So you're not fucking this slut in MY bed?!"

I laughed and looked over to the girl.

"You have five seconds to get out my house." I said with the knife now pointing at her. She jumped up and grabbed her clothes.

I stepped out the doorway and watched her run out. I then turned back to Joey and said, "and you. You god awful little boy. You have three seconds to get out my house before I slit your god damn throat."

Joey laughed and said, "I should have listened when everyone told me to stay away from the bogeyman's slut!"

My face dropped. Am I really known as the bogeyman's slut? I'm only snapped out my thoughts when Joey pushes past my shoulder. I stay frozen like that till I hear the door slam shut.

Tears start to fall from my eyes. Why did this have to happen to me? I dropped the knife and fell to the ground. I tried to calm myself down but it was hard.

It only ended once I made myself fall asleep. If only I stayed up a little longer just to hear the news playing in the background.

6 more days until Halloween

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