Part 14

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(A/N this chapter was a tiny bit inspired by a Scallison Teen Wolf episode in a way.)

-----Ava's point of view-----

Dylan and I have been dating for 3 weeks now. Every day that goes by I find myself loving him even more, falling for him harder and harder. We are becoming inseparable, spending most of our days together, laughing, going on dates or just simply enjoying each other's presence. Although we both have families and friends, it's almost as if we don't need anyone but each other. We get each other and our families don't seem to always understand us. It's an amazing feeling to have someone who understands me, who cares for me, who protects me and who loves me.

I wake up to a loud knocking at my bedroom door. I groan and throw a pillow over my head, as if that will make the noise stop. The knocking continues and moments later my mum, dad and Theo barges in my room.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" They all yell in sync, as if they planned it. They probably have.
"Guys I love you all but please go away and let me sleep." I exclaim. It's Tuesday the 27th of July. I do have school today but it doesn't start for another 2 hours. I could be sleeping.
"Ouch." Theo says, giggling as he places a hand to his chest, flashing a fake hurt expression over his face. I smile at him. He laughed. It was only a small, faint chuckle but it's the first glimpse of humour and happiness he had shown since he came into my family and that creates a big, goofy smile on my face.
"We will give you your main presents after school and we will sing a proper happy birthday at dinner-" Mum begins to say but I cut her off.
"Mum please no. We don't need to celebrate, it's nothing. I just got one year older, everyone does." I've never really liked my birthday. Most girls my age would be dying for attention and do extreme things to get it but me, I've always hated the attention. My whole life I've tried to ignore any kind of attention, any situations that could make me stand out. I've tried to lurk in the shadows and hang low because that way i can try to blend in so having attention drawn to me is not something I really enjoy.
"Ava, it's your seventeenth birthday. We are celebrating." I groan but force a fake smile onto my face, to show my appreciation that my mental family actually care enough to barge into my room at 6:00 in the morning with balloons and streamers and a giant 'happy birthday sign that gets reused every year.

My mum left my room and told me she would get started on making some breakfast, while dad and Theo stayed in my room.
"Happy birthday." My dad whispers in my ear and hands me a small, black box. I smile at him and slowly open the box. My smile grows as I stare down at a gorgeous necklace. It has a small silver chain and at the end of it is my name written in fancy, silver writing with Aqua sparkles around the edges of it. It's beautiful.
"Dad. I-I love it." I squeal, jumping up and giving him a large hug.
"I thought that when I'm away filming and you miss me then you have a piece of me where ever you go and the lady in the shop said the blue sparkles represented calm and peace."
He walks over to me and gestures for me to spin around. I pull up my hair and he gently clips the necklace firmly around my neck. The silver charm sits softly on the bare skin on my lower neck.
I smile at him again and sit back down on my bed. "Thank you."
He nods and heads out the door leaving Theo and I alone.
He walks over to me and hands me an envelope with my name sprawled across the front in a black ink pen. "I know you hate birthdays so I tried to keep it simple." He says and leaves the room, before giving me anytime to react.
I quickly open the envelope and pull our a piece of lined paper on it.

To Ava
Happy 17th birthday you crazy weirdo.
From Theo
P.S I love you sis.

My smile grows so big at the word 'sis'. He finally called me his sister, maybe he's starting to adjust a bit more into the family. He couldn't have given me a better gift and I literally can't stop smiling at the short, little card.

I get to school eventually after eating a cooked breakfast and getting about a million phone calls from my family, which usually consisted of the same words leaving my mouth, 'Thank you', 'love you' , 'thanks for calling.' The occasional person would ask me how school was going, which is probably the worst question to ask a teenager because the majority of us will reply with the common four letter word, 'Good.'
I tried to talk to Theo and thank him but he had already left by the time I had made it down the stairs.

I stand alone in the school corridor looking like a complete loner as I wait for Dylan to enter through the front doors. I take the time to take in my surroundings. Students are scattered across either side of the wide corridor. Some sit alone, while others stand in groups, talking way louder then they probably need to. I notice a boy sitting down slumped against a locker, staring intensely at his computer screen as he types really fast on the keys. His blonde hair flops down in his face and his lips curl down into a small frown. I figure he must be nervously trying to finish a school project or something like that. As I continue to stare at him, taking in his features I catch eyes with him. It's only now that I see the dark brown, almost blackish colour of them. They're filled with an emptiness and a beaming jolt of fear and panic. I'm about to walk over and say something to him but I feel large arms snake around my waist and I look behind me to see Dylan smiling at me, holding me close. By the time I look back to the boy, he's back to staring hard at the computer screen.

Dylan and I walk to my locker and I begin to open my locker but my phone vibrates.
"Want me to get it?" Dylan asks as I place some books into my bag.
"Yes please, might be Theo."
Dylan nods and reaches into the front pocket of my jeans. His finger tips lightly drift across my thigh and his touch sends shivers through my body, tickling my skin.
"It's from Tpose. He said to say happy birthday- wait it's your birthday?" Dylan says as he looks up from my phone.
I nod slowly as I close my locker and turn to face him.
"Why didn't you tell me? I look like an idiot now and I have nothing to give you." He says and a look of guilt flashes over his face.
I shake me head and kiss him softly on the lips. "I don't like people knowing my birthday because I hate the attention and I stand out too much." I mumble looking down at my white converse, which are training grey at the edges.
"Ava you can't keep trying to blend in, when you were born to stand our."
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of." I mumble back and Dylan seems to ignore my comment and quickly blurts out something.
"I'm taking you on a date."
I look up at him with confusion. "Dylan we have class in 10 minuets."
"I know, we're skipping." He smiles, his large goofy smile that's too big for his face.
"Oh now we're not. I've never skipped class before and plus my parents would I kill me."
He raises and eyebrow and gives me a weird look. "And since when do you care what your parents think?"
"Since I realised that have the power to ground me and keep me away from you."
"It will be fun, come on Ava, just one time." He pleases and he looks to damn adorable to say no to and seconds later a smile creeps onto my face and I find him pulling me to the front doors.

Dylan signals for me to be quiet and whispers for me to follow him. I watch him as he goofly runs towards his jeep, ducking behind cars ever now and then and looking around nervously. Once he's in the car he gives me a nod and signals for me to come. I begin walking at a Normal pace and not even bothering to look to see if anyone is watching. Moments later my phone rings and I quickly answer it.
Dylan: "You have to act like a spy."
Me: "Dylan no one is here."
Dylan: "come on be more adventurous!"
I sigh and hang up the phone and place it back in my pocket. I then begin running and jumping about like a weirdo, just like Dylan did. The whole time I feel like a little kid again and Dylan's eyes never leave mine as he chuckles at my movement. I look like a complete idiot but I don't even care anymore.

(A/N: I will be writing about Ava and Dylan's date in the next chapter :D)

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