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Hello my beautiful O'Brien lovers, how are we all?

I finished this fanfic about seven or eight months ago and it occurred to me that it's my most popular story on wattpad (*screams* thank you all for reading!) I still to this day have people commenting on how much they loved this story and as a minor writer like myself, is the best thing in the world.

However, I really am not happy with the way this story is and I believe my current books are much better.  There are tons of grammar, spelling and paragraphing mistakes in this story and its far too cheesy for my likings and I honestly can promise you I could write this story so much better as I'm now a year older and wiser ( I think I'm wiser? )

My point is, would anyone be up for a re-written version of Secrets and Lies? It would probably be longer, definitely better and there would be less mistakes, (oh and a ton more of Dylan O'Brien sexiness!) I'm not saying it would be perfect, but I want to make sure I'm happy with it and people would be happy to stick with the re-written version.

If I were to do this, the updates would be very infrequent until schools out (for me that's in just over three months.) So until then, updating would be completely random and would only happen when I find some time.

Okay :) If you would be up for reading a re-written version of this story and would be happy to stick by me in the process, just leave a comment and if I get enough people willing and I can see it might be worth it, I shall get to it, haha :)

If no one is really that interested (which is completely fine!) I'm thinking of taking this story down because I'm just not happy with it and as a writer, I need to like my works.

Just leave me a comment or send me a PM with your though and I'd be open to any suggestions too.

Stay awesome my gorgeous O'Brien lovers,

-Katy :D 

Secrets and Lies (Dylan O'Brien fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now