Shared in a hotel room

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My wife and I have been together for nearly five years; she's smart, charismatic, and beautifully tall—her height mostly coming from her long, toned legs; she's gorgeously striking with amazing skin. A successful woman that turns both men's and women's heads, and lights up any room she walks into with her smile... and she just shrugs off all these gazes, with her confidence.
As her husband, I enjoy the attention she gets, and she knows this about me. When we're out together, eyes lock onto her and scan her from head to toe...from men and women alike. The blank looks of expression on gazers' faces, the lick of their lips; I know they are curious about what's under that well-put-together package.
I feel a sense of compersion from seeing her admired, as much as I admire her. Picking up on the energy others give off in her presence, gives me a deep, warm feeling, and stokes a fire in me that I have burning for her... this turns me on and only amplifies my love for her. She's stepped out twice before, on our marriage, each time bringing us closer together.
As a couple in our mid-thirties, we rock it—two beautiful kids, a comfortable life, and an overall-happy marriage. Like any relationship, life gets busy, with two young kids at times keeping us on our toes, we grow distant, but always find ways to pull each other together. Success and natural beauty sometimes can have an adverse effect in the game of dating...she's too good for everyone, she looks expensive, and hard to get, and I think it pushes ninety-five percent of men away from approaching her to strike up a conversation, or providing her with a random compliment that can make a person's day. That leaves a window to a small group of men, who can appreciate such a radiant package.
I have the opposite problem. Originally, me being a nerd, I acquired attractiveness later in life—through working out, becoming successful in my career, and having a big social network. I'm an easy target for sleazy women to approach and throw their attention my way. I think they see me as an 'every guy' who wouldn't pass up any opportunity. But I'm the exact opposite—it's the feeling of seeing my partner pleasured, that I desire the most. I love my wife.
Sophia was raised as a conservative woman. I am one of the six men, she's ever been with, besides the two she fucked during our marriage. If you want to read about these adventures, search "Solo trip to Europe, 3 months prior" and "Discovering my own late-night news". Sophia and I fuck a lot; we often bedroom play, with me whispering fantasies in her ear, whether she wants to hear them, or not. It always makes me harder, and she always cums powerfully, when I'm done with her.

One day we were talking about sex, and I asked her if she'd ever considered trying a DP with another guy. She laughed and blushed, and made some off-hand comment about how I'd never allow it, so she never thought much about it, or how it was because I just wanted more pussy, and that it would end up being a trade in some way... which wasn't the case.
I kissed her deeply, looked into her eyes, and simply said, "I would allow you to be fucked by another man, and I'll even arrange it; unless you already have someone in mind for it."
There was a pause... I couldn't imagine her being with any of my friends.
It made for a few days of awkward glances, and even-more-awkward silences.
During dinner, she looked at me, and said, "Hun, yes."
"Yes to what?"
"You know... what we talked about. I'd like to try it." She looked at me with an apologetic expression. "Please don't be mad, or leave me."
"Oh, hun. Of course, never. I love you. I'm not mad... that's hot."
We fucked like wild beasts that night, as I reassured her I wanted to make it happen, too. We felt so connected, by sharing our desires so deeply. She said she didn't want to know anymore about it—not the name of the person, the day it would happen, or even how I found him. She just wanted it to be a surprise.
I didn't speak another word of it to her for a few weeks, long enough for her to assume I wasn't actually making this fantasy real for the both of us, but I was waiting for her horny time for the month, the golden window of opportunity where anything goes with her.
I had posted a 'couples for him' ad on, and screened the guys who replied, narrowing it down to the final three. I was meeting them for coffee, like I was hiring new staff, and vetting their character and personality, build, body, skin colour, and even down to their cock size.
The last thing I needed from them was a STI screening, a clean bill of health, because my wife and I didn't want to catch anything. Two of the guys had gotten the paperwork done, and I really couldn't decide between the two, so I just invited them both. A handsome black guy and a white guy.
I arranged a weekend trip to Banff, and planned a hotel for our stay. Sophia said that if I wanted her to do dirty things, and include her asshole, I needed to book us a luxury hotel and take her away.
I told the guys I had been chatting with, to meet me at the bar in the south wing of the hotel.
It was our only night in the mountain town. We checked in and got washed up; she got dressed to the nines, and was looking as sexy as the day I'd met her—oblivious to what was in store that night.
We went down to dinner and sat in a booth, where she was facing the main bar—where her two surprise dates were sitting. I knew they were checking her out already, and she kept smiling and blushing at the table, and looking over at me. I teased her about being a flirt, that we couldn't blame the men for how gorgeous she was...
I told her, "Go to the restroom and come back with your panties in your purse. I want to give those two guys a proper show."
I could tell she was getting so worked up, she stepped up and walked towards the restroom. When she was out of sight, I got up and slipped the guys our extra room key, gave them a pat on the back, and fist bumped them both.
"You guys are going to have fun together. Give us twenty minutes, then come to room 1312, the top floor."
She came back, sat next to me in the booth, and cuddled up. She turned towards the bar, and locked eyes with one of the men. She spread her legs as he gazed, and closed them quickly, giggling. Sophia looked at me, grabbed my hand, and began pulling me out of the booth.
"Let's go back to the room; I'm so horny!"
We quickly finished our meal. I waved at the waiter, and paid the bill.
As we walked through the halls, her legs looked fantastic—from her heels all the way to her tight butt—we got to room 1312. I opened the door, and she led me inside. I was so tempted to strip her naked in the entryway of our room, and dive in between her legs. Sophia has the tastiest, tightest pussy, but I restrained myself because I wanted to save her, like a wrapped piece of candy—for the men I had arranged... for her.
I dimmed the lights, tied her to the bed, and blindfolded her to reduce any anxiety that may come up. I didn't want her to see these men's faces, but only to share her incredible body and one-of-a-kind pussy.
Only after I had her properly restrained, did I remind her of the offer to do a male-female-male experience.
I had to confess that tonight was not going to be a MFM with me, but rather something I would get to watch—I wanted to reclaim her after she'd been taken by two men.
She gasped.
No sooner had I uttered the words, did the sound of the keycard in the door hit her ears.
I quickly whispered in her ear, "... and one of them is black." She breathed in and sighed deeply, she feared big cocks.
I sat on the large couch next to the bed...
In the darkness, I saw the silhouette of one of the men bend down and kiss her on the lips; while the other ran his hands up her legs and pushed up her skirt, tasting her every inch of the way.
She melted into their hands, as they kissed and devoured my beautiful wife, licking her everywhere. I felt a an extreme rush, as I remembered the first time I experienced her body... and felt the energy from these men. Both of them getting worked up over her, and adoring the way she felt, her soft skin, tasting her lasered-smooth pussy. The flavour of both pairs of her lips, the way she smelled, and the way she moved to the rhythm of their touches.
"Do you like this, hun?"
"Ummm, hmmm... yes!" she shouted, in ecstasy.
Each one took a turn eating her pussy. I stepped up to the bed that my wife was being taken on, and untied her—but left her blindfold on. I set her free, as they ripped open the little condom packages I had left for them; they rolled condoms on their big, hard cocks.
One of them grabbed her by the hips, gently sliding himself inside her. What started as slow and gentle, quickly turned to aggressive fucking.
Time came to a standstill, as they fucked her—swapping holes, her mouth, pussy, and ass... making her cum over and over.
I was in awe of seeing her so desired. My wife—born to fuck—my sex-kitten; Sophia was taking it, as much as they were giving it; completely oblivious to what they looked like.
Hours went by and then, the men left. She was left a puddle.
I curled up next to her, took off her blindfold, and whispered, "I love you so much..." kissing her on her lips, her makeup smeared, her hair dishevelled... I was more in love with her than ever. The mother of my kids—my wife, pushed to the peak of her sexual limits.
I felt we had unlocked a new level in our relationship. I removed my clothes and climbed on top of her; staring into her hazel-colour eyes, I made love to her.
I pushed my cock into her pussy, even after all that fucking, she was as tight as ever. I kept pumping my wife, and came inside her, filling her with my seed. I came harder than ever, with thoughts of my beautiful wife being taken. I leaned up towards her ear, "You're mine."
We fell asleep in each other's arms.
I woke up, and checked my phone. It was a text from one of the men — 'thanks for arranging that last night, Sophia is fantastic.... we're laying around, going to get ready soon, and will head back to Edmonton in a few hours after hitting the gym. you're a lucky guy.'
I smiled, set down my phone and snuggled up to Sophia... "I got the men a room next door so they could rest, they are leaving in a few hours, if you wanted some seconds."
We looked at each other, lost in each other's lust, eyes locked, and just smiled at each other.
I took her into the shower... I soaped her sexy body all over—her legs, breasts, ass crack, and pussy—washing her clean. I got out of the shower first, and she came out a few minutes later, wrapped in just a towel.
"Maybe one more time..." she grinned.
I turned around, handed her an extra key to the guys' room, and opened our hotel room door.
"I'll see you soon love; they are in 1311."
I kissed her, and nudged her in the direction of their room. She stood in front of their door, tapped the key lock, and slipped inside, as the door shut behind her.
Twenty minutes passed.
My heart started to race... I paced the room, talking to myself, "What have I done...?" full of doubt that I had lost my wife, but my rock-hard erection said otherwise. I wanted this to happen again, because it was my idea.
I was turned on by the risk of it all—the thought of my beautiful wife being manhandled again, but this time, out of my supervision.
I sat in the empty room, and said aloud, "What if she never comes back?"
I felt conflicted—excited and yet confused.
My phone's screen lit up. It was an iMessage from Sophia.
'Just wanted you to know I'm doing more than fine, thanks for being an amazing husband.'
I was relieved that she was okay, but still, the mystery of it all was eating away at me; the more I worried, the more turned on I got. I was only imagining the joy she was feeling.
It was Sophia again, but this time, she sent a photo... she certainly had her hands full.
I sat down on the bed—I was unable to walk, what with my throbbing erection. I lay back, pulled my cock out and started jerking off to the picture she had just texted me.
She was clearly being enjoyed, there was a big white dick stretching open her pussy, while she was sucking on a black cock. I looked in the corner, and it was a Live Photo, I held on it with my thumb, and the image started playing. She was getting pumped hard while moaning. I could hear one of the guys say, "Fuck, you're so fucking hot."
I was in disbelief, I watched the live photo on loop; the thought of her being taken, again, in the room next door, was too much to bear—my cock throbbing in pain, my balls full of cum.
I looked at the clock. 9:00am had turned into 10:30am.
I grabbed my phone and messaged Sophia.
'hun, you ok? We have to check out at 11'
A few minutes later, I heard a —tap, tap, tap— at my door. I got up and opened it. Sophia came inside, and I shut the door behind her.
She was wrapped in the same towel. She leaned in towards me for a hug; I wrapped my arms around her.
"I didn't think you'd be that long, we have to check out soon."
"I know, but they kept fucking me. And I lost track of time."
"All good. You okay? We okay?" I looked at her, as our eyes locked.
"Yeah, I'm good. You?"
"I'm okay; just thought you'd only be ten minutes. But I'm fine, love you. Do you need anything? Can we get ready?" I said, in a hurried voice.
I took Sophia's towel off and tossed it on the bed. I looked between her thighs—cum was dripping down her leg.
She could see I noticed it, oozing out of her.
"I see you didn't use condoms."
"I'm sorry, we didn't have any condoms." She shrugged. "They were just so horny."
My cock got hard again.
"They said you got them to take an STI test anyways..."
"It's fine. Good thing you're on birth control."
I walked to the hotel phone and called the front desk, "I'd like to request a late checkout please. Okay, thanks." I hung up the phone, and led Sophia to the bed. She lay down on her back. I opened her legs, exposing her freshly fucked pussy." I was licking my lips with desire.
She asked, "Do you want a taste? Like last time?"
She was referring to the time she got fucked by her coworker, and after came home to me. I'm not a fan of tasting another guy's cum, let alone two men's, but I was filled with lust for my wife who had just fulfilled my desire. I dove between her legs, her pussy glistening with cum. I took a deep breath, and shoved my tongue deep inside her pussy.
She moaned. "Fuck, hun, you're so dirty. But I want you to fuck me."
I devoured my reward, as her pussy gushed a mixture of her cum, and the men's cum... I didn't waste a drop.
I got up on my knees, flipped her over... my cock rock hard, pointed towards her pussy. I looked at how beautiful she glowed; her holes gaped and puckered, as I rubbed my cock on her labia.
Sophia stretched forward, arching her back, pushing her butt on my cock. I knelt there, as she slammed her ass full depth on my cock in one pump. She was looser and wetter than usual—she felt incredible.
"Fuck me. I'm your whore."
I loved seeing her so turned on; the flame between us reignited. She kept slamming back on my cock, my hips synched with her every thrust.
She was mine to enjoy, and push to her limits. Her fire was burning bright. I couldn't wait to see what I could make her do next.

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