Swipe Right, Wife's Night, Aloha

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I handed her my phone, and looked deeply into her eyes.

Sophia looked down at my screen, and it was a filled-out Tinder profile, with a picture of her beautiful face. She swiped to the left, and the next picture was her in a thong bikini showing off her gorgeous curves.

"Those are my favourite pictures of you."

She looked at me, puzzled. "Why did you sign me up for a Tinder profile?"

"I want you to know how sexy you are."

"Yes, okay, but I'm your wife," she replied, now staring deeply into my eyes. "And the kids are in the other room."

"I know, but I want you to feel desired. And we're in Hawaii, and no one will find out. I got the kids, why don't we see the attention you get... you know how excited that gets me."

Sophia looked down at my pants, and she could see that I was clearly turned on by the conversation; that I was handing her all the power, and placing her on a pedestal.

I adjusted my crotch to hide my hard-on. "All you have to do is press 'submit'. I locked it to Hawaii only so no one can see you outside of here. Your choice."

She smiled at me, and pressed 'submit'.

I reached over and pulled her in towards me, and kissed her on her supple lips. "You're the sexiest woman I've ever met, I want to the world to know how fuckin' hot you are. We've been together over eleven years, you've given me two beautiful kids, we're going to be together forever."

Our tongues pressed against each other's. I loved the way she tasted, like a juicy papaya— her lips so soft, sweet and full.

I took in the way she felt. Our hearts were on fire; I felt her soft skin, as we melted into each other's arms.

— ping — The phone startled us, when the first Tinder message came in.

"Wow, that was fast, but I'm not surprised, though."

— ping — Another message came in, and another. I slid my fingers through her bikini in the front, and pulled them aside— her freshly shaved pussy was smooth, silky, and glistening.

"You're so gorgeous down there. I've never seen anything so beautiful."

I looked down at the phone, it showed fifty-four notifications. The thought of all these single, horny men looking at pictures of her face and ass got me excited.

We sat next to each other on the couch, swiping through profiles, and reading messages.

"Look, hun! This guy is staying at the same resort we are."

The message read, "Hey! I'm staying at the Ko Olina Beach Resort as well. It shows you're only 100metres away."

It was the closest that the geolocation could show, so he must've been close. I tapped his picture and it loaded up his profile.

"He's cute," Sophia said, pulling the phone towards herself, as she had a closer look at him.

"Hank, aged 34, professional, white, into active lifestyle and adventure," there was a sexy pic of his surfer body with a shaved chest. 

"I know it's been a long time since you've had a white guy," I said, jokingly. Her last boyfriend, before marrying me, was Asian. I'm South Asian. Hank looked different than both of us.

"I want you to talk to him. Take my phone. I'm going to start on dinner for the kids."

I guided her to the patio with my phone in her hands. She sat down and I pulled her feet up onto the ottoman, and gave her a quick foot rub; pressing her heels first, up to the middle of her feet, then to her manicured toes. Her feet were one of my favourite parts of her body, she has long slender toes, always beautifully done up.

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