Ghost Orgy at the Chateau Lake Louise

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This chapter was inspired by a real life encounter with a ghost at Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. If you haven't been here, it's an incredible icon within Canada's Rocky Mountains. A must see!

I hope you visit.


Sophia applied some fresh red lipstick, as the receptionist waved us over.

"How may I help you?" She was sharply dressed. She looked at us with a smile, and shuffled papers aside. Her name tag read 'Nifty'. She locked eyes with me, then turned to face my wife.

Sophia pressed her plump lips together, spreading the lipstick she had just applied, closed the lid and placed the lipstick in her purse.

I could see Nifty's bright-blue eyes run across Sophia's body and lock eyes with Sophia.

"We'd like a room for a few nights please," I asked.

"What kind of room are you looking for?" Nifty's movements were hauntingly smooth, and gracious. I noticed her tits jiggling under her tailored suit that hugged her voluptuous body. She spun the computer monitor around, broke down the available rooms; pointing each package out, while using a hotel-branded pen. It was skinny, black with a gold tip, and written across the pen 'Fairmont Hotel Lake Louise'.

"Well, we just got married today, and our other hotel room we reserved in town ended up falling through. We just got into town, so something nice, hoping for a honeymoon suite of sorts."

"Well, we're plenty full, but let me check the system." The lobby was completely empty, and it was only her working behind the counter.

She pulled the screen back facing her. Typed on the keyboard, glancing at Sophia's chest, then back down. Behind her, Christmas decorations covered the wall and a large clock, it chimed.


Sophia startled, her tits jiggled in her low-cut summer dress.

"I do have the king suite available with a mountain view. It's our last one--"

"We'll take it," I interrupted her.


"It's so late, that clock is so loud." Sophia's beautifully manicured hand ran down the side of her face, along her neck, and rested on the cleavage of her breasts.

"You must get used to that, though," she asked Nifty.

The clock stopped, it read two o'clock.

"Yes, the hotel is full of surprises." Nifty and Sophia's eyes locked onto each other's.

"If I could just have your credit card, and some ID, I'll get this room reserved for you."

I slid across the desk my credit card and driver's license. She grabbed it one by one.

"She looked at the ID. I'll be right back Mr Sunday, just going to photocopy your ID, and I'll run a deposit, which you'll get back at the end of your stay.

"Mrs Sunday, may I see your ID for security reasons." Sophia opened up her purse, pulled out her ID and presented it to Nifty.

"Oh, you have dark hair in your photo. I love your current blonde hair, you look very pretty." Nifty smiled sensually.

"Why thank you, Nifty," Sophia replied, brushing her own hair back behind her ear, as she melted a little from the compliment.

"You make a very lovely bride, such a beautiful figure. I bet you looked stunning in your wedding dress., Nifty added, then paused, eyes still glued to Sophia.

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