Kat, my childhood friend

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I packed the kids up and headed down to the pool. I saw her from a distance.

"Kat, is that you?" I was blinded by the sun, but recognized the curves of her silhouette. I got closer and positioned the sun behind
her golden hair so I could see her face.

"Hey! It is you...Wow! So great to see you again." We met each other with the biggest smiles.

I haven't seen Kat in ages, she's my childhood friend which i have the hugest crush on since elementary school through junior high. We lost touch in high school but something kept bringing us together over the years even though we married other people I never lost my attraction to her.

"So what brings you to Hawaii?"

"Oh, I just needed a get away, a break from it all." I didn't ask any further questions about why she was here, or who she was here with...just stood there admiring her beautiful face, smooth skin and
plump lips, taking in her beauty.

Kat always had a way of hypnotizing me with her looks, but it was something deeper than that. We shared a connection that reignited every time we saw each other.

"Well, I'm here for 10 days. We should meet up for something to eat." The rest of the world faded into the distance, it felt like it was just her and I standing there. She smiled back, my heart skipped a

"I'll DM you and we'll make plans."

We remained connected over IG, but rarely messaged, but I always liked her pictures because each one she posted was hotter than the last. Something about smashing the 'like' button, my imagination was letting me smash her ass.

She walked past me, smiled once me, our arms brushed each other.

The electricity from our touch paused us both as we stood there just taking in the feeling.

"It was nice to see you" Kat said with her silky voice. We pressed against each other and parted ways.

I looked back at her as she was turning to look at me, we shared smiles once more, her hair blowing in the wind.

The rest of the day I couldn't take her off my mind, thinking about Kat's beautiful body, the way she felt to the touch. It took me back to my childhood where we'd spend everyday after school walking home together. Or times we'd meet up in the park to walk our dogs and just hang.

Kat and I knew things about each other that we only shared, and no one else knew. She knew I came from a small low income town
house. I lived across the park from where her and I used to hang out after schools, a stark opposite of where I am today in my Penthouse in Hawaii. She had large home which I used to stare out the window
trying to catch of glimpse of her naked body, her and I love struck teens back then.

I spent a lot of my younger years imagining what her pussy looked like and what it would be like to fuck her.

I never did get to experience her in real life, or see her naked, and that opportunity to be with her was taken from me when Kat was
raped in a park. A stark juxtaposition to the innocence of when we used to play in the park.

One night while walking home from the club district, the clubs close at 2 am, and usually the streets were full, but she cut through a park alone. A group of young men took turns on her, sticking their dicks in every one of her holes, it was a dark secret she only shared with me, not even her current husband. It happened to her in her 20s,
which she confided in me in our 30s with tears because she couldn't keep it inside any longer.

I desired her, but the protector in me over took my desire to 'take her' as an adult because of what she shared. The rape ruined everything.

The day passed, I played with the kids in the pool under the heat of the sun and headed back to my penthouse.

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