"Whats a little play amougst consenting adults anyways"

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John and Lana have been together for years and were also looking for ways to spice up their marriage. I called John and invited him to lunch about a month after the bet. He showed up, not expecting the conversation we were about to have. I told him, "Don't judge Sophia or myself, but this silly bet of ours was making us super hot. What's a little play amongst trusted, consulting adults anyways."

He listened to what I had to say very intensely. Sensing we might be serious about this, John admitted the idea of being with Sophia had crossed his mind as well. He said he was not sure the bet was real or not, but kind of hoped it was real. It was odd to hear a family member tell you he had a sexual interest in banging your wife.

I sat and listened to his thoughts as well. The more we talked, the more I think we talked each other into it.

When I told my wife that night I had lunch with John and shared the details of what we talked about...she gasped at each of my words. She had a serious look on her face as she listened to me explain the bet was real, and John would be calling her soon. A nervous twitch took control of her body as she gulped down some wine to ease her anxiety. Looking back, I think part of her wanted to scream at me, and the other part of her couldn't wait. It was the first time I saw such a sexual focus and so much anxiousness in my wife.

She looked like a high school girl who had just been asked to prom by the football team's captain.

We were sitting there as the momentum of this bet built when our phone rang. All my wife could do was stare at the phone and make no movements to answer it. I picked up the phone and heard John saying, "hi." We chatted for a few seconds as I turned and told Sophia, "John wants to speak to you." Her hands were shaking as she picked up the phone and listened to him. She said, "ok, ok, umm, Humm" a couple times before hanging it up. Looking dazed, she turned to me and said he wanted her to buy something new, a red bra and panties, for the bet she would be paying off.

My cock went hard instantly.

I came home from work two days later, and Sophia rushed me into our bedroom. She opened up a package and held up a sexy red bra and matching panties she was purchased. Just watching my wife holding up lingerie she had bought for another man-made me hard within seconds. I pulled her into my arms and found her lips hot to the touch. I pulled her into the bedroom, shut the door as we tore each other clothes off. Sophia's pussy was flowing as I licked her juice which coated my tongue. She tried to be as quiet as possible but came harder than expected. My cock slipped inside of her with ease as I imagined John fucking her soon. In fact, I think we both had the same fantasy on my mind as we banged at each other like never before.

All we had to do now was wait till the next Saturday when she would have to pay my bet off. Sophia took the kids to her parent's house for the weekend.

She had cleaned the house twice out of nervous energy, and around six, I told her she would have to start to get ready for John. She gave me a strange look of excitement and took some puffs of cannabis, and headed to the bath to soak for a while. With my huge erection, I turned on the taps, filled her a tub minutes before, I placed a glass of wine on edge to help her relax as much as possible. She looked radiant laying back in the tub sipping her wine, beautiful pussy, her hot body, her nice round tits hung on her chest as her nipples were already swollen. My cock was half alive just watching her and knowing John would soon enjoy her gorgeous body.

Our doorbell rang, and I left her in the tub to answer it. John was there with a huge grin ear to ear as I let him in. I told him Sophia was in the tub relaxing and to get himself some wine. I rushed back to our bathroom and told my wife, "hey Hun, if you want to get ready. John's here. If you want to dry off and put on your red bra and panties that he asked you to get, and cover yourself in a robe like a present, so he's surprised, we'll be in the living room waiting for you."

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