Irony on the bathroom walls

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Night out at a club, took a random cock in the bathroom.

So a few weeks ago and my friends and I made plans to go to a girlfriend's house for a party. We had child care already arranged, husbands planning their own guys night out. But plans changed for us because she was unable to host due to something coming up last minute.

So instead of cancelling the evening, we went out for dinner and drinks to a cute place downtown, a supper club. A friend of a friend knew the owner, called him and he was nice enough to get us a reservation last minute.

The food was amazing, the vibe was upbeat, and there's an older crowd so women like us in our 40s blended in.

We looked hot, all of us are fit, strong personalities, and outgoing. There were 7 of us and we all dressed up in nice tight dresses, with no set times to return to our husbands.

When I go out, I like to not wear panties, the panties line makes me feel uncomfortable.

It's just my thing, and makes me feel approachable and sexy when I'm out.

We got to the place, the owner Jake came up to us, took us past the lineup outside, and sat us down at one of the best tables in his place. He sat down next to me and we ended up chatting.

"How long have you owned this place?" I asked as I brushed my hair behind my ear so I could hear him in the loud room.

"It's my newest place, only a month." He leaned into my ear, I could feel his warm breath against my cheek and neck as he spoke in a deep voice.

"Oh you have other places?" I was intrigued by his entrepreneurial spirit.

"Yah, this is my 6th supper club." He spoke calmly and confidently.

He bought us rounds of shots, plus a few rounds of drinks and left the table. We drank for a bit and ordered some appetizers, it came, his staff placed it on the table in front of us, which sat lower than my knees.

As the night went on I got into eye contact with a Jake, I admired his body, my eyes roamed to his tight ass. He was in his thirties, tall, muscular, great smile, and all-around a beautiful man. He was being social and making sure everyone was taken care of at their tables, he was amazing to watch, his personality was magnetic as he worked the room.

My husband loved to take pictures of my body, during sex, posing, dressing up in lingerie, toys, bdsm. You name it, anything and everything about me turned him on. We were very sexually confident, I'm submissive, but it was always with him.

The drinks made me feel a certain way, so I looked straight into Jake's eyes again to see if he would look back at me. He did exactly that, we'd catch each other's glances, we locked eyes for as long as we could. After a couple times, when he was checking me out I slightly opened my legs up so he could see my naked pussy.

I felt a rush, as I placed my hand between my thighs and gently caressed the inside of them. I was subtle, my girlfriends never noticed, but Jake picked up on my vibe. I'd grab an appetizer pop it deep into my mouth, and sucked my fingers clean as I pulled out.

Jake didn't know I was married, even though I was wearing my ring. And I never mentioned it to him during our small talk, or ever met him until tonight. The music, the vibe, the drinks, we had a chemistry tonight though.

Jake's eyes were locked on to me, the attention made me feel horny, and the show I was giving him, I knew he liked it. He pointed out with his head towards the bathroom. I nodded, took a last sip of my drink and told the girls I was going to the bathroom.

My husband and I loved to talk through scenarios where I would fuck around outside our marriage. At a work conference, a night out, with a handy man around our house, then come to him like a wrapped gift full of cum. It always gave him a hard-on, and made him cum quick. We talked about wifesharing for years, loaning me out to his buddies, he was obsessed with me. I thought I'd one-up his request.

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