Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

"Midoriya! Dabi!" Our teacher called. Me and Dabi laughed and looked at our teacher. "Apologies Ms. Bustle." I smiled in her direction. She sighed and smiled as me and Dabi made our way over to her. "It's alright just don't run in the halls again. Also, the UA students will be here soon. If you don't get a call from your manager, will you show them the ropes?" She asked.

"Sure! Of course we will!" Dabi said. "Sure!" I smiled. She thanked us and walked off. A few minutes later, Dabi and I were outside when we heard voices. "Okay problem children, we're going to have two guides, so behave. Looking at you Bakugou." Their sensei said.

I snickered and leaned on Dabi. I saw the Principle walk out and gesture for us to follow him, which we did. "Welcome to Redwood High! My name is Mr. Harold." Mr. Harold introduced as me and Dabi were in the shadows. "Shota Aizawa. The class 1A homeroom teacher." Aizawa said. I looked at Dabi with a smile and he did the same back to me.

"It's a pleasure Mr. Aizawa. Allow me to introduce you your two guides. Come on out, you two." Mr. Harold said. I giggled and ran out of the shadows with my cheetah speed and stopped next to the principle. I bowed and introduced myself. "Hello Class 1A! My name is Izuku Midoriya, do call me Deku!" I smiled.

"Deku?! As in, the MODEL Deku?!" Someone asked. "Correct! I'm with one of my childhood friends! Come on out before I drag you!" I said. "Yeah yeah." Dabi said as he walked out. "Some of you might recognize us from before we became models!" I giggled. "Anyway! We'll show you the ropes of Redwood High!" I said cheerfully.

"Izu, are you sure? You need rest. You were up til 3 in the morning." Dabi said. "And you were up til 5. Your point?" I asked, heading inside and motioning for the class to follow. The class followed us as the teacher came up to me.

"Shota Aizawa. Pro underground hero Eraserhead, how can I help you?" I asked. "I'm surprised you know that. You just....seem familiar, I guess." He said. I chuckled and nodded. "I read about that actually. I'm sorry you haven't been able to find her. I know you will soon! You just need to keep hope in your heart."

"I appreciate that. Thank you." He smiled. "Pleasure." I said as I saw a basketball coming. I used my hawk like wings and flew over to the ball and caught it, glaring inside the gym. I sighed and stopped glaring at them.

I stood up and went into the gym, handing them the ball. "Keep the gym door closed and don't let me and Dabi find out that you threw it again." I said and went back to the others. "How often does that happen?" He asked. "More often than one would think." I answered. "You threatened him again, didn't you." Dabi said.

"No, I gave him a fucking cookie." I smirked. "YOU WANT TO GO?!" Dabi smirked back. "Try me brunt nugget." I said. "Good to see that you two haven't changed!" I heard Toga. "TOGA-CHAN! TOMURA-SAMA! IIDA-KUN! KACCHAN!"  I smiled and went over to them. "I'm so happy that you guys got in and with one the heroes I look up to!" I giggled.

"You know them?" Aizawa asked. "Childhood friends. Tomura and Dabi are a couple, me and Kacchan are also together. We're just impatiently waiting for our other two friends to confess and stop being so fucking dense. I swear, they're more dense than ME. I didn't think that was POSSIBLE." I said.

"ANYWAY! Next stop is the war zone which is what we call lunch!" I smiled and started to head in the direction. When we got to the lunch room, I let them get some lunch. I felt my phone buzz and took it out. "That's....worrisome..." I mumbled. "Hm? Was it Inko? What'd she want?" Dabi asked.

I laughed at Dabi's response but replied to him. "Just a reminder that they won't want me back. Like- girl- I know this-" I said, seeing mine and Dabi's old friends coming out. "What happened?" Tomura asked. "Inko." Me and Dabi both said. "And-And what did SHE want?" Toga asked. "Just reminding me that my birth family won't want me back as if I forgot." I shrugged.

We all sat down and I was pulled into Kacchan's lap and laid my head on his shoulder. "Thinking back....he was one of the people that was in the place as us....along with Hitoshi Yamazawa. Our teacher just uses his old last name to avoid confusion." Tomura said. I thought back and nodded. "So...Shota Yamazawa..Hitoshi Yamazawa.what about the loud blonde?" I asked. "Hizashi Yamazawa." Tomura said.

I nodded. "I wonder what they were doing in that part of town anyway...they couldn't have been looking for me..." I said lowly.























3 weeks later, UA had to leave, me and Dabi went with the principle since we had a shoot to get to. I had called Kacchan after though but he refused to answer. I asked Dabi to call Tomura, he anwered happily and I had asked why Kacchan didn't answer. "...He doesn't want to talk to you..." I felt my heart break and sighed.

"I told him I had a shoot..." I mumbled. "It's not that...Todoroki um....he claimed that he saw you cheating..." I widened my eyes and got tears. "W-What...? I never do that to Kacchan!!" I said. "I know...but, I can pass the phone to him.." Tomura said. "C-Can you..?" I asked. He smiled and nodded since we were on FaceTime.

"What you Brunt Chicken." Kacchan said with a growl. "KACCHAN WHY WOULD YOU BELIEVE HIM?!" I asked with my tears streaming down. "D-Deku" Kacchan said and looked at my sobbing form. "D-Deku.....calm down. I know you wouldn't do that. As for that call....I didn't have my phone...icyhot did. I know you wouldn't do that to me Bunny." Kacchan smiled.

"I was trying to figure out why he would make an accusation." Kacchan said, making me a lot more calmer. I smiled and nodded. "O-Okay Kacchan. AH!" I said as I fell. "Bunny?!" Kacchan called.

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