Chapter 17 ~ ou la la

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Alli's p.o.v.

Once we got out of the car, all we saw was a huge white house, highlighted by pink lights.

"Oh my god" I said stumbling backwards, bumping into Jax.

"What's wrong ?" he asked, actually sounding concerned.

"Its just like in the pictures. The house, the yard, everything !" I said and squealed with excitement.

"Let's go in then" Matt said taking Nara's hand and walking towards the front door. Oh how cute they are together, I thought to myself.

"We, uh, we should probably go too" Jax said and grabbed my hand, I could feel myself blushing as we walked inside.

"Alli ! Check this out !" Nara called me from across the room, once I got inside.

"Woah ! No way" I said, as me and Nara were staring at probably the most gorgeous dress in the history of dresses. After about 10 minutes, we finally decided to go find the guys.

"Are you serious ?" Nara said sounding a bit pissed off.

"What ? You found them ?" I asked, as she pointed to Matt and Jax flirting with a group of VS angels.

"After everything, they still leave us !" I yelled out and threw my hands up in defeat.

"Who would leave two gorgeous beauties ?" someone said from behind us.

As Nara and I turned around, we saw 6 guys, for sure male models, looking at us.

"um.. are you talking to us ?" Nara asked.

"Well obviously. I'm Jake, and that's Jordan, Kody, Daniel, Max, and Kevin" Jake said introducing himself and his group.

"So.. you guys are models I'm guessing ?" I asked them.

"Obviously. You two are models too, right ?" Kody, I think, asked.

"Hahaha" Nara and I burst out laughing, "We wish".

"Oh well then we can fix that. Here's a number of our agency, give it a call sometime" one of the guys said, handing us a piece of paper.

Jax's p.o.v.

As I looked over to see what Nara and Alli were doing, I saw some guy give them a paper with what I'm guessing was his number, and then the group behind him surrounded the girls.

"Hey man. Look" I said poking Matt, as the girls laughed.

"What the hell ?" Matt said, and started walking towards them, and I followed.

"Excuse us" I said, pushing through the group of guys surround the girls.

"What's your problem man ?" One of them said.

"It's okay Jordan, they're our friends" Alli said, the way she said 'friends' kind of hurt. As if nothing happened between us.

"Well, your friends would like to hang out with you right now. So if you excuse us, we'll go now" I said, grabbing Alli's hand and pulled her along, as Matt did the same with Nara.

"Byee guys ! We'll call you later !" Alli and Nara both said in unison. Right after, I felt someone pull my arm back and I turned to be facing Alli.

"What the hell is your problem ?" she said.

"My problem ? You were the one practically drooling over those guys !" I told her.

"Me ? I'm sorry, but you two were the ones that left us alone to go flirt with the models" she replied, getting angrier, "I hate you !" she then said.

"I hate you too" I said not knowing what else there was to say. As Alli turned around and was about to walk away, I grabbed her arm and turned her back around, pulling her a bit too hard because she ended up leaning against me.

I looked into her eyes, I really wanted to tell her something. Something that's been on my mind for a while but I didn't know how to say it other then just 'I think I love you'. I had no idea what she would say to that.

While I was lost in my thoughts, someone pushed Alli and the next thing I knew, her soft lips were against mine.

Alli's p.o.v.

Oh my god. That was the only thing in my head. I was kissing Jax, at a Victoria's Secret party, in Hollywood. As I pulled away from the kiss, and believe me, I didn't want to, I had no idea what to say.

"I'm gonna go get a drink" was the only thing that came to mind. I turned around and grabbed Nara's hand and pulled her along.

"You pushed me, didn't you ?!" I asked her, a bit mad but glad at the same time.

"Well someone had to. It was going to happen sooner or later" she said smiling and shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah but it wasn't suppose to happen like that.." I said.

" know that nothing ever turns out the way you imagine it. It would've happened differently anyways" Nara said smiling, "So how was it ?" she then added.

"It was amazing ! It was like nothing I've ever felt before, though considering that was my first kiss, I have nothing to compare it to.." I said, then I poked Nara's shoulder and added, "And you ! Why in the world would you push Matt away ! I saw what happened in the car, and it was obvious he wanted to kiss you".

"I don't know" she answered.

"Okay. Go to Matt, he seems lonely" I said to Nara and winked at her.

When Nara went somewhere with Matt, I decided to go over to Jax. I walked up to him, so we were about 10 cm away from each other.

"That wasn't suppose to happen, not at all" he blurted out. My smile faded into a frown, and he must've noticed because he went on rambling, "I mean, not that I didn't like it. I did ! I just didn't want it to happen now.. or maybe I did.. I don't know, the point is that", he didn't get to finish because I've decided to shut him up with a kiss. I've always wanted to do that, see what it was like, and to be honest, it was amazing.

"It's fine. I didn't mind" I said after I pulled away.

"Uh.. we should probably go get Matt and Nara" Jax said and we started to look for them.

Tonight was probably the best night of my life.

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