★ yanna is possessed ★

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It was calm.  A bit too calm in the garden. A lot of people were outside since there was a burst of lovely sunshine outside, and that year the sun hadn't been out that much, so as soon as they saw the rays of light shining on the grass they decided to go outside and hang around there. They planned to have a little pool party where everyone could relax and have fun, and a lot of the residents showed up in swimsuits, trunks, bikinis and whatnot. Duckella and Min were sitting by the side of the pool and had been threatening anyone who tried to go behind them that they would be drowned, so they left the two females alone.

A wild Yanna appeared swaying her hips in an over-dramatic way, she was wearing a blonde wig that didn't suit her and was wearing sunglasses. Duckella noticed the female and waved at her. "Hey, Yanna!"

Instead of returning the smile and wave, she furrowed her eyebrows. "Who's Yanna? I'm Oli London."

"Don't play dumb you motherfucker," Duckella told her sarcastically, earning a scoff in return.

"Ew this duck is so disgusting I can eat it for lunch," Yanna replied with a hair flick.

And Duckella talked back at her with, "Ew this bitch is so ugly that it makes onions cry."

"Ew this stupid animal is so stupid it's the reason God created the middle finger," continued Yanna before Jungwoo walked over to them after hearing what she said.

"Yanna, don't be rude to Duckella, what did she do to you?" Jungwoo asked.

Cess walked over and Duckella took this chance to jump up and go behind her. "Cess protect me Oli London is bullying me."

Min just watched them squabble from the poolside before she decided to stand up, not liking the fact that she felt very short next to them.

"Who started it?" Jungwoo questioned them, immediately making Yanna point at Duckella.


"Yeah that's me," proudly said Yanna.

Chan could be heard cursing profanities about some issue he had whilst editing a video and was practically yelling at the top of his lungs until Jiro decided to go up to the male and kiss him. This made a few people who were observing start giggling as Chan went red and quiet. Duckella and Yanna had managed to resolve their little bickering issue and had started complaining about Chinese tuition. 

Yanna had decided to go near the pool and went "Hey guys! AnNyeOngHasEyO," at no one in particular.

Chan noticed her and went over to her, holding a war gun. "Want me to fix your car, ma'am?"

"Uh, no thank you. I'm going on a drive with Jimin later," Yanna told him, earning a confused look.

Sungchan had managed to puzzle what was happening and ran over with a doughnut float on his head. "OIL CONDOM IS HERE, EVACUATE E V A C U A T E!"

Twenty was witnessing in horror and immediately found a broom nearby as he started sweeping near Yanna. 

"YES PABLO PICASSO SWEEP THEM," encouraged Sungchan.

☆ 𝗸𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗴𝗶𝘀 ☆Where stories live. Discover now