Chapter 3: What the Devil just happened?

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The next morning...
Kuoh, Japan
April 12
Blue POV

I shot straight up gasping for air. Ifeel like I haven't breathed in hours.

What the hell just happened?

First that girl sprouts wings, then she kills that Issei guy, next thing I know, I'm running from the scene, I get into a fight with her, and she-...

She... kills me.

I look around, expecting to find myself in someone else's home, but instead I find myself in my apartment. I then immediately check my body for signs of scars, only know noticing that I'm still in my Kuoh uniform. To my surprise...

There's nothing there. Not even a tiny little scratch. In fact, my uniform looks completely undamaged.

That... that couldn't have been a dream... could it? No, it felt too real... but if it was real, then how am I alive after that girl clearly killed me? There's no way I could have been revived, my Ghost is-...

Wait a minute...

I remember... I remember seeing the blurry figure of that woman... could she have helped me? No, she couldn't have. It's impossible for a human to raise another from the dead without the use of light...

Unless... is it possible... could this world have Light? Or at least some kind of magic that's close to it?

Thinking about it now, I remember that feeling some of those girls gave me. Y'know, the whole "dark power but light aura" thing I kept bringing up?

Keeping that in mind, it's entirely possible for the Light to exist here without the presence of The Traveler. A common misconception that people have is that The Light and The Traveler are one and the same. But in reality, they're actually two separate entities. So it's entirely possible for this world to be in the presence of The Light.

Then again, it's entirely possible that it could have been a nightmare... a very realistic nightmare...

I suppose there's only one way to find out.

I look over to my clock and see that it's 3:00 in the morning, so, uhh... I got some time to kill. All I end up doing is turning on the TV and watch Bungou Stray Dogs.

When the clock hits 8:00, I get ready to go to Kuoh.

As I walk through the courtyard, I take a look around for any major differences than what I saw yesterday. Nothing seems to have changed too much. I walk in the door and look around. Still nothing new. I'm about to walk up the stairs to head to class...

And that's when I see him.

Issei is standing there, alive and well. He's talking to his friends. I can't make out what they're saying, but I don't really care.

I'm just glad that it was all a bad dream... or... wait, I didn't do shrooms again, did I? If that's the case, better not tell Zavala. I am not going back to rehab.



That feeling!

I subtly look around for the source.

Then I see her.

Gremory standing at the top of the stairs, watching over Issei like some kind of Guardian Angel... huh... why do I get the feeling that term isn't entirely correct in this instance?

She walks down the stairs, passing Issei and his friends. I notice the sly little smirk she gives Issei. As she passes by, I hear all the comments people are making about her. Y'know, your typical "she's wonderful as always" and "she's so hot".

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