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Welcome! This story is written from Bens point of view. It takes place after Spy School British Invasion, Ben doesn't know Trixie or the Croatoan. Thanks for clicking and I hope you enjoy! If you have any suggestions for things you might like to see in this story comment down below and I will try to make it fit! :) BTW anyone else hear that ss 10 is coming out next fall? ITS TOO LONG A WAITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! Character copyright to Stuart Gibbs, I dont own the characters only the plot!

There are lots of unpleasant things a person might see. For example maybe your girlfriend making out with some other boy or some person you don't know sitting on the toilet. You might thing that witnessing one of your best friends having a panic attack is not in the top ten most unpleasant things a person might experience, but it is if your friend normally has the emotional range of a cinderblock. It was my first day back at Spy School after operation screaming vengeance, when my friends and I had defeated the evil organization SPYDER. I was sitting in the cafeteria with Zoe Zibbell, Mike Brisinski, Chip Schacter and Jawaharlal- Jawa- O'Shea trying to choke down the days lunch: what was suppose to be mac and cheese but looked more like wet cement that someone had attempted to dye yellow for whatever strange reason and some salad greens that looked like they had been sitting in the hot summer sun for a month. 

"Even those scones at that grimy English tavern were better than this." Zoe grimaced, pushing her untouched plate of slop into the center of the table. Next to me Mike did the same. It was one of the worse things the kitchen staff had made so far. I glanced over at a nearby table up against the wall with only a single person sitting at it. Erica Hale, the most talented spy in training at the CIA's academy of espionage. That would make sense though- she was a legacy and had been training since she was a baby. She was eating a salad that was actually green from a takeout box. Jawa looked over at Erica too. 

"Smart- getting takeout. Should have thought about doing that a long time ago." Jawa frowned, eyeing Erica's lunch jealously. I got up and began heading towards Erica's table.

"Where are you going?" Mike asked.

"To see if Erica's done with her salad." I highly doubted that Erica would share, I even half expected her to judo flip me across the room, but I was at the point of starvation and willing to try anything to get some decent nutrition. I slid into the spot next to Erica, aware of my friends eyes all on me. 

"Hey." I said, giving her a big smile. " Any chance I could-"

"Have some of the salad cause you weren't smart enough to get carry out and the cafeteria food tastes more like something that should be coming out of you than going in? Sure." Erica pushed her food over to me and handed me her fork. I raised my eyebrows.

"Um- thanks!" Sometimes it seemed like Erica could read my mind.

"I suppose its a thank you for all your help on the past few missions." she said, giving me a half smile. I wanted to explain to her that normal people didn't thank someone for the amount of help I had given with a half empty box of lettuce but was too hungry to care. Erica watched, amused, as I shoved my mouth with her lunch. A few tables over Chip, Zoe, Jawa and Mike were gawking. Erica picked up on this too. 

"You have some weird friends." she said evenly. I was surprised at how nice Erica was being. It was unlike her- while she might show some emotion towards the end of a mission she normally went back to being her normal unemotional self durring regular school time.

"That- coming from you." I said through a mouthful of salad. Erica's phone rang on the table and I got a glimpse of the caller ID. It was Erica's mother, Catherine Hale, a highly skilled and very beautiful British MI6 agent who also happened to be super kind (when she wasn't kicking enemy ass) and make very amazing muffins. A concerned look creased Erica's face. She picked up the phone and hurried out of the room calling back to me-

"Keep the salad!" I ignored her however and quickly ran after her. I found her hurrying down the hallway leading back to the dorms.

"Hello? Mom? Whats going on?" Erica's concern seemed to be the only thing keeping her from noticing me following her. I couldn't hear what Catherine said next but it didn't seem to be good. Erica stopped dead, her face flooded with an emotion I hadn't ever seen on it- anguish. 

"WHAT?!" she squeaked, then realized she was being to emotional for her own comfort and took a deep breath to try to calm herself. It didn't work. Erica Hale, normally the calmest person I knew even in the midst of a gunfight was now wearing a look of pure worry. 

"Well we have to find her!" Erica said. Her mother seemed to be telling her to calm down.

"I can't! I'm just going to fly out to Britain and we can track her down-" Catherine cut her off and seemed to be telling her daughter something important.

"Mom- okay. Okay but I'm going to help. Okay. Bye." Erica clicked end on the call and shoved her phone back into her pocket. She as taking deep breaths, unaware of how to deal with her unstoppable emotions. 

"Ben I know your there." she breathed. I hurried to her side and tentatively out a hand on her shoulder, looking into her piecing blue eyes. 

"Take a deep breath and look into my eyes. You'll be okay." Erica nodded, knowing that I knew how to control panic much better than she did. She closed her eyes than gulped in a big breath. When she had opened her eyes she was slightly calmer.

"Thank you." she nodded and patted me on the shoulder, then attempted to mush past me. I blocked her though and she stopped, annoyed. 

"If you don't want me to forcibly remove you from my path then move!" she snapped. 

"Not until you tell me what that was about." I said, hands on my hips. Erica narrowed her eyes, considering this. Finally she shook her head. 

"Its my sister. She's missing."


Just a reminder- Ben doesn't know about Trixie yet...............

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