The Plot

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"Its simple. Murray Hill found out about your sister and found the perfect way to get revenge on us for thwarting his plans. He goes to Trixie, spills the beans and maybe makes your family sound worse than you guys are- not that your bad at all! Then Murray offers Trixie a chance to get even." we were sitting by Catherine's hospital bed and I was explaining my realization to her and Erica. 

"My sister would never kill anyone!" Erica snapped.

"No, but she's your sister and therefor has some of your traits, like possibly enjoying hurting people." Erica rolled her eyes. 

"Benjamin you don't know Trixie. I can't imagine her ever hurting someone." Catherine said. 

"People can develop traits that bring out the worst in them. Murray might have pulled out some sort of hidden feelings of anger in her..." neither Catherine or Erica looked happy about this idea but they didn't discount it either. 

"So lets just imagine this. Murray finds out about Trixie and goes to her, looking for help getting revenge on Erica and I for thwarting his plans so many times. He tells Trixie the family secret, then maybe embellishes it for her sake- tells her that he's good and your all bad or something like that.  Trixie is angry and decides to help Murray with his revenge plan. She is going to hurt each and every Hale until she gets to Erica. It seems from the note she left that Erica is the one she's angriest at. Judging from the email we found Trixie might be planning to do something to me. She thinks its only to hurt Erica but its actually Murrays secret plan to hurt me personally." Erica frowned, not liking this, but nodded slightly anyhow. 

"As much as I hate to say it Ben might be right. Not as complex as Murray normally thinks but still effective... Trixie and Murray go through and hurt mom, dad and grandpa then Ben. Cause they know it'll hurt me- and Murray also wants to hurt Ben." I blushed upon hearing Erica confirm that my getting hurt would hurt her too. Catherine looked at Erica sternly.

"Erica sweetheart, you and Ben need to catch the first flight back to America you can get on. Warn Cyrus and Alexander. I will be fine, my friends from MI6 can look after me." Erica went to protest but Catherine shot her a serious mom look that shut her up. Erica nodded sullenly and pulled me up from the seat by Catherine's bed.

"I'll call you. Stay safe mom." Catherine smiled weakly at her daughter.

"Stay safe yourself honey. You too Ben." I flashed her a quick smile. Erica and I headed out of the room. Once the door was shut Erica turned to me.

"Ben- I need you to promise me one thing." she said quietly, taking my hand.

"What is it?" I asked, blushing again.

"Whatever Murray and Trixie try to do, don't let yourself get hurt. I really- I really don't want to loose you."

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