Set Up

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 Erica's plan was simple. If my speculations were correct, Murray and Trixie would come after Cyrus, Alexander or me at some point soon. I had a different plan. All we needed was to involve Alexander. We had already warned both him and Cyrus about the possible impending doom, and neither of them had really reacted well to this, to say the least. Erica and I both knew that Cyrus wouldn't want to go along with our plan, so we talked to Alexander. At first he was resistant, somber by the idea that he would be double crossing Trixie, but we reminded him of what she was doing and that it was for all of our goods and he agreed. It was easy. We stood around Alexander and his phone as he made the call. He dialed Trixie's number and let it ring once- twice- three times- 

"Hello? Dad?" Trixie Hale's voice was chipper as a chipmunk on steroids. 

"Honey! How are you doing?" Alexander said in his best normal, caring dad voice. 

"I'm well!" Trixie chirped. We had decided not to bring up the fact we knew she was missing from her school or the fact that we thought she was conspiring with Murray Hill. 

"Well, I was wondering if you were planning to come visit in America any time soon?" Alexander asked.

"Actually I'm going to fly out tomorrow!" Trixie lied. "my school okayed me for a short visit to my daddy." I could hear the sizzling of something cooking in the backround, probably Murray making bacon. 

"That's amazing!" Alexander crowed. "when should I pick you up?" 

"The Ronald Regan Washington Airport as usual. I'm leaving at 6am, so you should be picking me up at 5pm..."

"Great honey. See you then?" 

"See you!" Trixie said, ten ended the call. Alexander shoved his phone back in his pocket.

"Your welcome." he snapped sadly, then sulked off. Erica grinned at me. 

"And tomorrow we take them down."

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