Caught in the act

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"Daddy!" Trixie came flying over to Alexander, a big smile pasted on her face. Erica and I were peering out at then from behind the baggage claim. 

"Sweetheart!" Alexander wrapped Trixie in a fatherly hug. "how are you?"

"I'm good." Trixie smiled. There was a loud crash from behind her. I jumped and Erica gave me a stern look. 

"Look if you hadn't snuck into first class trying to steel the food than you wouldn't have to be escorted!" came an exasperated male voice from the terminal. 

"But I needed my hourly bacon fix!" came another voice. Murray. Trixie looked slightly embarrassed. 

"One minute." she smiled apologetically and scurried off to where Murray was being dragged off the plane by a burly security guard. She ran up to the man and grabbed Murray's wrist. 

"He's with me." she flashed him a grin and the guard nodded, releasing Murray's wrist. Murray grinned sheepishly at Trixie, who's attitude changed as soon as the man was gone.

"You butt-brain!" she snapped. "what are you thinking going around getting yourself in trouble?" Murray reddened.

"I needed bacon!" he whined. "its not my fault I tripped on my shoelace while I was trying to infiltrate first class!" Trixie rolled her eyes. Alexander now came up to them, eyeing Murray.

"Mr. Hill." he scowled. Murray raised his eyebrows, caught off guard.

"I wonder how this is going to work..." I muttered to Erica. She nodded, her eyes glued to Murray and Trixie. 

"You know him?" Trixie asked Alexander, trying to pretend she didn't already know this. 

"Um- he uh- he tried to break into the bank I work in and steal some money!" Alexander tried to cover. Apparently he had told Trixie he was a bank teller- his cover story. Trixie nodded, pretending she didn't notice anything weird about this cover, then turned to Murray. 

"He's a friend. From school. He wanted to come meet my family."

"She really needs to work on her cover stories- unless..." Erica trailed off, looking like she was going to puke.

"Yep!" Murray cut in. "I'm your daughters boyfriend!" Alexander coughed, dismayed.

"Trixie Hale! Why would you even think about dating-" he paused, realizing this wouldn't be helpful, then continued. "I mean- how nice." Alexander turned to look at where Erica and I were hidden, and we pulled our heads behind a pillar at the last moment. Trixie grasped Murrays hand and pulled him over towards where we stood. 

"Excuse us for a moment." she said to her dad, then hissed at Murray-

"I still hate that cover story. Its so gross! I would never ever in a million years date you." Murray sagged, unhappy to hear her say this. 

"But I'm so- I'm so loveable!" Trixie looked like she was going to be sick.

"Murray Hill- its a cover and that's all it will ever be." she dragged Murray back over to Alexander. 

"So- where's the car?" she asked. Alexander took her duffle bag from where it sat at his feet and the three of them headed out to the car. Erica and I darted after them. Murray and Trixie climbed into the backseat and began whispering. Alexander turned to us.

"You two will need to get in the trunk." he whispered. Erica and I nodded and obediently squeezed ourselves in between the luggage. Alexander closed the trunk, leaving Erica and I pressed together, face to face in the darkness. We had been like this once before, when Catherine Hale had stashed us in her trunk. 

"Ben." Erica whispered.

"Yes?" I could feel the engine starting and the car rumbling out of the parking lot. 

"I think- I think I'm ready." it took me a moment to register what Erica had said, and when I did my mind exploded.

"Really?" I asked, as quietly as I could.

"I think so. You've proven yourself so many times- I shouldn't have waited this long." Erica's hand found mine. I felt her warm breath on my cheek and the next thing I knew her lips were against mine. Erica Hale was kissing me- willingly and not just because of the threat of nuclear annihilation.

"OH. MY. GOD." Erica broke away from me as sunlight poured into the trunk. I looked up and my worst fears were confirmed. Staring down at us were a shocked Murray Hill and Trixie Hale.

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