Lies and Betrayal

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"I can't believe it! The Ice Queen and Smokescreen- an item!" Murray chided from the front seat of the car. When Trixie had opened the trunk Erica's shock and embarrassment had been the only thing that kept her from springing at her sister and Murray, giving Trixie the chance to sedate us with a mild tranquilizer. It was not very strong and hadn't knocked either of us out, instead allowing Trixie and Murray to hog tie us and throw us into the back of Alexander's car next to his unconscious body. Apparently they had suspected something and gotten the jump on Alexander. Murray was driving- or trying to drive. Somehow, since the time at Evil Spy School that he had nearly killed Ashley, Nefarious and I while simply trying to drive us to the Sandy Hook beach, his driving had gotten worse. We were currently plowing through a field of sheep. The fluffy white animals were scattering every which way to avoid Murray. 

"We're not an item yet!" Erica snapped. I noticed how she said yet- her sedative haze tamping down her ability to lie or hide the teen girl under her icy exterior. Murray was wide eyed, while Trixie glared at her sister. 

"It's obvious you like this boy- yet something else you failed to tell me. Any other family secrets Erica?"

"No." Erica grimaced. It occurred to me that now, in her drugged state, I could take advantage of Erica and force her to tell me how she really felt about me- if she still wanted to date me after being caught kissing me by her own sister and my nemesis, but I didn't have the strength. Instead I leaned into Erica and whispered- 

"What are we going to do?" Erica looked at me hopelessly. 

"I have no idea- and it wont matter if Murray kills us first in a car accident." Erica grabbed my hand. "I want to tell you that if this ends badly that I love you Ben Ripley. Your one of a kind and if we make it through this then I will be your girlfriend." I grinned conspiratorially. In the front seat Murray slammed on the breaks. 

"Alright. Quit the sob story." Murray had driven us into a patch of thick trees. He wrestled Erica and I out of the car with Trixie's help and together they tied us to a very thick old oak tree. I struggled against the knots but they held tight. Erica grabbed my hand, and for a moment I thought maybe she was doing it for comfort, but then she slipped a tiny pocket knife into my hand. I flipped it open and accidently jabbed myself in the butt. I yelped and Murray spun around towards me, his eyes narrowed suspiciously. 

"Splinter." I groaned. Trixie nodded, but Murray still looked suspicious. 

"So. Has the great Ben Ripley figured out my plan this time?" he grinned. 

"Actually yes." Erica glared, jumping to my defense. Murray raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh really? Well- please enlighten me." 

"You went to Trixie's school and told her all about her family working for the bad guys but I assume you  probably didn't tell her the part about them working for the CIA and you being a bad guy." as I expected, Trixie wheeled towards Murray.

"You told me you worked for the CIA and my family had a secret organization called SPYDER that tried to kill you many times!!! Did you lie to me?" Trixie took a menacing step towards Murray, whos smile faded. 

"Well, I may have reversed the parts a little but these two have tried to kill me many times and thwarted my million dollar plans-" Trixie glared at Murray, about to spring on him... but then Murray Hill whipped out a gun and shot Trixie Hale in the chest. 

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