The Real Plan

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"TRIXIE!" Erica screamed, her face going ridged in horror. I hadn't ever seen her so distraught about anything- her eyes were welling up and her mouth agape. Trixie yelped in pain and collapsed to the forest floor. Erica tried her hardest to yank herself out of the ropes. Apparently she had given me the pocket knife without actually using it first. I was touched, and also horrified. Murray rolled his eyes. 

"Relax. I didn't kill her- yet. Its the latest technology in micro sedation bullets. I'm not gonna kill her just yet. I want to at least give her the opportunity to join me. But if she passes up-" anger flashed in Murray's eyes as her shot a look at me- "then I will kill her." I gasped, having a sudden realization. I had only realized half of Murray's plan. Erica looked to me, trying and failing to mask how devastated she had been. I took her hand to calm her down and to my surprise she didn't let go.

"You have that look on your face." she said. "what did you figure out?" 

"It wasn't about getting revenge on us- not fully. It was about getting your whole family and I out of the game. Murray's not just going to kill a beautiful girl because she knows he's evil- the entire CIA knows he's evil. He would only kill Trixie because he knows what the family she belongs to is capable of, and that means that Trixie could be capable of that too. He meant to kill Catherine, only he did a sloppy job and we were able to save her. He's going to try to kill us now, then Cyrus and Alexander, then finish off Catherine and finally if Trixie declines his offer he'll kill her, ridding the world of the Hale legacy." Erica grimaced, upset about the plan and how she hadn't pieced it together first. Murray grinned.

"Sharp as ever Benny boy!" I felt the knife tear the last of the ropes in two and then I slipped it back to Erica, who began working on her bonds. 

"Don't call me that." I snapped. Murray laughed.

"Or what? The fact is I can do anything I want. You and your girlfriend are in no place to argue with me. I have a real gun in my pocket, one that actually fires bullets and I'm going to kill you both with it. But first-" Murray reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out two notecards. "I prepared a little speech. I feel like there are a few things I need to say before I killed you." I rolled my eyes in disbelief and next to me Erica did the same. Murray cleared his throat and began. 

"Ben Ripley and Erica Hale. By now you probably have figured out that I want to kill you. Not only do I want to kill you but I will kill you. There's no stopping me this time. However before you go you need to know a few things. Erica first. You are beautiful and talented, but I hate you. I hate seeing your face and I hate hearing your name. You've thwarted me to many times. When I was back in Spy School I would have given anything to date you but now I wouldn't date you even if you begged me and even joined the dark side. Okay maybe I would but that's not the point. Ben- I don't hate you. I really hate you. To prove it I made my email adress Hope you don't mind. There isn't a lot for me to say to you anymore, just that I hope you enjoy-" but I didn't hear the rest of Murray's speech because at that moment Erica Hale sprung at him, knocking him off his feet and sending his gun flying into the air. He screamed in pain as he landed on a sharp rock. 

"Crap!" he snapped, realizing that he was screwed. Erica deftly caught his gun and pointed it to his chest. 

"Don't worry, it wont kill you- yet." she smirked slightly. "sleep well Murray." then she fired. 

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