Fire Festival

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        Lorn had started taking his training and classes in school more seriously. He still found it hard to focus from time to time but he made steady improvement. He didn't realize that classes was about to go into summer break. At all the academies, there's three semesters, a large Summer break, then the final semester which is usually the most relaxed minus the final exams and Academy Tournament. While in class he overheard Vulcan and a few of his friends talking about going to the Fire Festival in Aeoup.

        The Fire Festival is supposedly the one time of the year where Aeoup let's their guard down and invites whoever wants to, to come to the Fire festival. Rocket powered rides, tons of games to play and free rewards to earn. There's even Fire dancers and the best part of it is the Fireworks at the end. Supposedly one of the most beautiful things to view in the world.

        Out of pure boredom, and pretty much nothing else to do, Lorn decided he'd go to this Fire Festival. It sounded like fun, and hopefully maybe he'd make a friend or two over there.


        Kyle had been training in secrecy with Argo, the teacher. Argo knew that it was against regulation for him, a Hero, to show any favoritism to any one student. But for Kyle he made an exception, they were both orphans from Rucia. He saw a great potential in Kyle, all his power and strength but nowhere to direct it. His temper often got the best of him and having to "compete" with Lorn definitely hurt his ego more. Not only that, Vulcan was also rapidly improving and he might even take the number one spot in his class.

        On his days off Kyle would meet up Argo, just once a week. They would practice for hours on end in the forest. Argo could make insanely durable spiked steel shields and then make them fly around with ease. He could surf on his shields or toss them around like magical frisbees. When training with Kyle, he made smaller slightly less durable shields. He had them float around Kyle and swarm and attack him. They served as good target practice for him. And at other times he'd stack three shields making a wall that Kyle would have to break.

       Over the course of Kyle's training he vastly increased his strength and reaction times. Only because Argo said so, he even tried to stay more calm and less violent. However that part was not as successful. Both Argo and Kyle, essentially everyone in class was shocked at Lorn's physical strength. During the Wyvern attack, Argo protected him but then Lorn busted his shield, getting out in one punch. His Dez is supposed to be golems, that didn't explain his monstrous strength. Kyle, constantly trained, he got to the point where he could enter his full Leo aura with ease. And even then, at his best attack, he could only barley shatter one layer of Argo's shield wall.

        After the Antarica Trip, Kyle used the money he got to buy a small plot of land close to the Forest for a super cheap price. He erected a earth house, and then he took in Leone, the Leo that raised him. Kyle easily could've just lived in the dorms, but doing this was his first step to adult hood. Besides, after all this time being raised by a literal monster, he believed himself to be a bit to feral, for living in the city. But now, he had a house and an area he owned. Slowly but surely he would improve upon his house and having an Alpha Leo like Leone as a "Guard Cat" protect his house was super comforting. With the rest of his money, he bought a collar. A collar constantly emits a small bright aura, that way if a "pet" was ever lost, the adventures would know that it's "tame" and belongs to somebody.

        During the Summer Break, Kyle simply enjoyed his small abode with his "Mom/Pet" Leone, and would occasionally meet up with Argo to train more. He couldn't help but wonder though, is this all there is to his power? Instead of worrying about that now, decided to go to the Fire Festival, it's a easy way to get money from playing silly games. It would help him destress a bit.

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