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Antarica is the nation to the east and is a collection of roughly 26 islands and  4 archipelagos, with two large land masses connecting to the actual continent. The population there believes that these powers were blessings created from the power of names. They don't believe in hereditary things because at the base we're all human, meaning were all family. Last names have no purpose other than adding on a characteristic or trait. The schools there taught that powers are easier to fight against if you have a classification for them.

        Summoners are multi purpose depending on what they summon. A Flauna is the class for powers based on life itself whether it be a plant or animal. Shizen, draws from elemental powers and a Ikusei, provides healing and empowerment, or in simpler terms a Healer. A Mun-eo is similar to what others would call a scout, they face danger face first and if they do its the duty of the Honu to protect them. When a persons power focuses on destruction, its called Suō yú and when a person can create items for their own use their called Mea-Faitino. After a while, all these powers became too random to be classified to just one category, but regardless the classes helped the Antarica people.

Rosa is an Ikusei/Mea-Faitino from Antarica, one of the best. May is a Shizen, Hakaze is a mixture of a Shizen and Suō yú. Sagiri and Tai both fall under the class of Flauna however Sagiri can double as a Mun-eo. Being on the Champion Draft Rosa could've chosen almost anybody to enter the tournament with but she chose these four, her childhood friends. They've bonded together for many years riding the wave that is life and their teamwork is the best. Summoners like Lorn are the most annoying to fight against because in the end you never actually fight them. A kid named Mango was a summoner, a Flauna, Shizen, Mun-eo and a Suō yú all in one. Supposedly Lorn had defeated him with just two Golems, yet now here they were facing a non-stop horde of golems. It didn't make sense.

Rosa noticed lumps of earth all over the battlefield and remembered Lorn had hid underground in his first match. It became obvious he was in one of them. She had the answer to her problem but no way to reach it. To make matters worse it seems like when a golem grabs you its game over as nobody before had ever broken free of their grips, not Big Hand Dan or even Shin Hirai, one of the favorites for this tournament.

"I....I have a Plan!" Rosa declared.

    "Just say the plan instead of saying you have one!" Mei shouted back as she froze multiple golems in place.

" See those lumps? Lorn has to be hiding in one of them!" Rosa said

"I got it." Hakaze said as me swirled his black wind into a even bigger blade.

He began spinning it fiercely and directed it at the mounds of earth. A gigantic golem appeared with its arms crossed and blocked it before falling apart. In that same moment a golem appeared behind Hakaze and reached to grab him.

"Watch out" Rosa warned.

        Before Hakaze could turn around and even see the Golem, Sagiri flew through the air to kick him away. Sagiri was grabbed by the golem and then pinned to the floor. In a similar way to how Tai was restrained, no matter how much force Rosa's Squad applied to the golems they would not budge and the gem weak spot wasn't even visible.

        "Sagiri! You stupid-" 

        "May not now! Watch Out!" Rosa tried to warn once more.

        Several Golems appeared once more and Rosa began to bash away at them with her staff while the flag managed to entangled one. May stood in shock as she watched a fiercer side of Rosa she had never seen before. She created more pillars and helped to immobilize more.

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