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The alarm to wake up to go to work goes off. It doesn't phase George at all, which is probably why he's always late to work or making Dream wait in the car for him a very long time.

Dream was very intertwined with George. George must have gotten cold in the night, because he is holding on to the younger boy for dear life.

Dream is not used to waking up to someone. He daydreams about George often, sometimes in sweet ways like this and sometimes salacious ways like last night. He was ecstatic that all those dreams were coming true.

Dream knew George wouldn't make a run for it and leave him with nothing to wake up to, but the fact that this was his reality right now filled his chest with a warmth he had never felt before.

Dream turns off the alarm, and checks who is opening. Quackity, he knows how to do it alone. He texts Anthony to unlock the doors because he's not feeling well and might have to go in later, and secretly changes George's shift to 10am instead of 8am. More time to sleep in. George wanted a round two a couple hours after they took a nap, so he could use the sleep.

George earned a kiss on the forehead just for existing, and sleeping so beautifully wrapped tightly in Dreams arms. The night before, Dream gave him boxers that were too big, and plaid pajama pants that were also too big. Dream did not want to give him any clothes, but he liked to put the AC on at night. The compromise was George did not get a shirt.

Dream wanted to fall back asleep, but his joy in the moment was giving him something like a calm adrenaline high. The tiny things George does means the world to Dream. The way George sort of fought for a role in Dreams life, no matter how small. The way he admired him at work, silently to respect Dream's fear of anybody speculating that there was something between them even though there really wasn't until yesterday. Everything about the way George fucked him showed a craving for Dream unlike anyone else he had slept with, even in longer-term relationships. Dream felt beautiful, and to receive that attention from someone who was as gorgeous as George was a huge ego booster. His confidence had been slowly growing since they first started hanging out more. He allows himself to fall back into a comfortable sleep with the realization that this is probably not going to be the last time he gets this with George.

George wakes up, shifts slowly out of Dreams arms, and checks the time. He sits up in shock, "Oh, shit. Dream, c'mon we are so late. " He shakes Dream lightly. Dream silently pulls him back into his arms. "Dream... I don't want to get you in trouble." George frowns. "I handled it already. You start work at 10 now." Dream says in his raspy morning voice. George kisses his cheek, "Don't do that again."

"Why not? You don't know how much overtime I work to make sure everything is smooth at the restaurant. I think I earned a few more hours of sleep with you." Any hesitation Dream had in wanting to claim George as his before disappeared. If George leaves, the short time he had was worth it. If something happens at work, fuck it. It's all worth it.

"No favoritism. You can't just change my schedule when you want to spend time with me, and everyone else has to wake up early to work." George says, quite seriously.

"But you're my favorite, huh?" Dream peppers George with forehead kisses. "Once Quackity or Willow or Karl fucks me like a pornstar then maybe I'll let them sleep in too." He gets a gasp and a light slap on the face from the brunette.

"Shut up, don't even think about sleeping with anybody else." George says, visibly jealous. "And pornstar? You're so dramatic."

"Yes, I'm scared of the things I don't know about you. How could you get jealous, I can't even think about it or I go crazy..." Dream cuts himself off. They are not dating, he should not say such possessive things. We didn't even need to have sex for me to be obsessed with him. Now what the fuck am I gonna do?

"You overthink, shut up." George knows if he tells Dream even a little bit of his past Dream couldn't handle it. "Where are my clothes?" George demands as he gets back up.

"Nooooooo. No. C'mon I'm sorry." He grabs George's hand and kisses it. "Come back, you still have a lot of time." Dream could stay in that position forever.

"Tomorrow Dream, stop being lazy." Oh shit. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I go visit my grandparents.

"We can't tomorrow... I'm busy actually." Dream starts. "You're saying that so I lay back down-" George says before Dream cuts him off. "No really- I'm actually going to be gone for a couple of days. I don't know how I forgot to tell you."

Dream feels a tightness in his chest. He wants to cancel on his grandparents, but they're only getting older and he does not see them as much as he should.

"Dream, we'll talk about it later. Come on." They finally get ready for work, and head over a little bit earlier than expected.


The work day was going to be long. Everything about George is tempting, especially knowing he will not see him for a couple of days. Dream remembers the dream he had about spanking George in his office, a dream he often thinks about. He'll have to tell George about that one day, maybe he would be down to try it...

"Screw you guys, I hate opening alone. Me and George even texted about being opening buddies, I could've sworn his shift was earlier." Quackity goes off. There are more employees, he had just started scheduling the new people on the harder shifts so they could train. Quackity usually was the one to train them, and it was getting to the end of that phase. It is time to start scheduling the older people more again so George can get more days to spend with me, Dream thought to himself.

"Cut it out, everything looks great. I owe you, thank you for working hard all the time." Dream says, covering for them. "Ya I need a raise." Quackity says, knowing Dream will take it as a joke even though it kinda wasn't.

The day finally ends, and after many hours of making sandwiches, George is ready to go home. His thighs hurt, and he could not be as fast paced as he usually is because Dream was so rough last night. "Let's go, ya?" He calls out to Dream from the office door.

The drive home was sort of melancholy. Just as they made some kind of breakthrough, Dream has to leave. This shit sucks. It's just a few days, but come the fuck on. "Are you sure you can't stay the night? We can go get dinner... whatever you want to do." Dream practically begs. He doesn't want to impose anything, as much as he wants to be exclusive he is self aware that how clingy he is being is obnoxious. "You have to pack, and I'm mad at you." George frowns. "You better not come back with a haircut or something. I wish you told me. It's ok if you forgot, though." George says.

"I already want to cancel now, don't guilt trip me." Dream says. "It's ok, go be with them. It's not that big of a deal, I'll see you next week." George instinctually kisses Dream before getting out of the car. Dream was so deep in thought he doesn't remember pulling into the driveway. He finds himself in the parking spot of one of George's roommates just as the roommate wants to pull in. He rolls down the window, "Sorry dude, I'm leaving right now!" Dream shouts. "Stay a second after I park!" The roommate says back. They never cared to talk to me before. Weird.

"I thought you were just taking him while his car was broken. That's a lot of gas for you to still be driving him, no?" The roommate says after introducing himself as Luke, but saying his friends call him Punz. "It's still broken, isn't is?" Dream questions.

"He's parked it down the street all week, he got it back like a week and a half ago or something. No way you really thought it'd take this long, dude." Punz says. Dream looks shocked. "You're face tells me maybe that was a secret." Punz laughs. Dream laughs too, thinking about how sneaky the British boy was being. Dream loves taking George to work, he didn't have to lie.

"Can I tell you something? I saw you kiss, there's nothing wrong with that, I don't care. I just don't think his boyfriend would like that, and that dude is fucking insane." What the fuck?

"Boyfriend?" Dream says, trying to hide all the emotions he is feeling.

"Ya man, I won't say anything because I don't talk to him. I just thought I'd let you know cuz you seem chill."

Dream was heavily disappointed. He plays loud up beat music to refrain from crying on his way home.

I was right to be scared of what I don't know.

1585 words

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