Chapter 6 "Comforting smiles"

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We arrive at the beach and lots of people start cheering and running around in the sand.

Alix starts having a volleyball match with kim as max counts the points.

Juleka and rose start building sand castles together.

Chloe obviously is tanning in the sun with Sabrina holding her drink, and setting up her tent.

Ivan and mylene are just splashing in the water.

and nathaniel and marc are just sitting by the water as they talk about the next chapter of their comics.

Everyone seems to be having a great time

"COME ON MARINETTE LETS GO IN THE WATER!!" alya says as she grabs me by the arm.

"Hey mari! Wanna play with us?!" alix asks as she holds the volleyball.

"YEAH!" i say but see alya and nino giving me a look.

"Can we go in the water later? pleasee!" i beg.

"Ugh fine! NINO!? ADRIEN! YA PLAYING?!" alya shouts as she joins the net.

"I'm taking nino and alya on my team!" alix says.

"Then i'll take marinette and adrien!" kim pulls us into his side of the net.

"Am i seeing what i think i'm seeing?! Adrien playing volleyball with dupain cheng?! SABRINA!" chloe lifts up her shades.

"y-yes chloe!" sabrina says as she runs over to us.

"Can me and chloe play aswell?" sabrina says with a smile.

alya gives a sign to alix to not let them join but she agrees.

"YEAH! would love seeing a ball hit her face!" alix says as she throws the  volleyball up and down.

"ALIX!!" i say signaling her to stop.

"Yeah, you can join us!" she rolls her eyes.

Sabrina hoes back to chloe to tell her that we agreed and chloe gets up.

"Just dont ruin my suit! daddy paid 700 for it, not like i care but still!" chloe flips her hair.

"Yeah yeah okay goldilocks can we start already?!" kim says as he starts loosing patience.

"Okay but who's team do they join?" i ask.

"I'm going with team netflix!" chloe says as she grabs the ball from alix.

"The name is alix?" she says as she snatches the ball away from her.

"Yeah okay whatever skater girl.." chloe says.

"Then you come on our team sabrina.." i say as she comes and stands next to us.

"Alright then, 3, 2, 1 BEGIN!" max shouts as alix throws the ball up.

The ball goes back and forth through the net as it lands on the ground sometimes scoring a point.

The ball goes to alix's side and nino tries to get the ball but chloe pushes him over and grabs it.

He then falls over with a "hey, watch it!".

"CHLOEEE! you're not supposed to grab the ball! and clearly nino was about to get it!" Alya says as she helps nino up.

"Whatever! my turn!" she says with a devilish smirk.

"Okay you serve the ball and then you-" alix tries to explain but she immediately throws it over to my face knocking me down.

I fall to the ground with a thud as i rub my forehead.

"HEY WATC WHERE YOU'RE AIMING CHLOE!" adrien says as he bends down to me.

"Marinette, yo okay?" he says as he holds his hand out helping me stand as i nod my head.

"Yeah i'm fine-"

"OH I'M SO SORRY ADRIKINS!! i meant to throw the ball to you so you can get a turn since i saw that dupain cheng HOGGNG THE BALL so i thought i shouldv-" chloe starts excusing herself with lies.

"Stop it chloe you clearly threw the ball directly at marinettes face!" alya shouts.

"Lets get out of here :)" adrien whispers to me as he walks me away from the fight between chloe, sabrina, and alya and nino, as wel as a little bit of alix and kim.

"You're head fine?" he says as he rests me on a rock near the shore.

"Yeah it's fine just a littl-"

He kisses my forehead.

i blush ten times, no 30 times harder than i ever used to, other than the incident at the plane..


"feeling any better?" he flashes a smile.

"y-yeah" i giggle.

"You know my mom used to kiss my knee whenever it got hurt" he says.

"Oh so thats where it came from?" i smile.

"Yeah, i guess it worked for you as much as it did for me" he says.

There is a little silence.

I try to dip my feet into the water thats flowing down under us.

I dip my foot in and feel a little tingle.

I shake it/.

"Cold?" he laughs.

"Yeah.." i chuckle.

He stares deeply into my eyes with wonder and a feeling, i dont know of.

"I know.." he says.

"K-know what?" i say acting a bit confused.

"I know you're afraid of the water marinette.." he says.

"o-oh how did you know?" i ask as i start shifting around.

"I can tell how you feel sometimes, like when you're scared, sad, happy and excited, and sometimes what you're thinking" he tilts his head as he looks at me.

My eyes widen.

"uhhm isint that a bit creepy?" i ask.

he starts laughing hard.

"I was just kidding mari! I just had a feeling you feared water i mean look at you trying to not play mermaids when you're the most person in the world who wouuld want to play mermaids!" he chuckles.

"Yeah you're right.." i say.

"Marinette, you can trust me, i will protect you! I allways will! I'll never let anything appen to you! You're my little bugaboo" he smiles.

"I'm your little what?!" i say.

He laughs hard.

"You're a funny girl marinette you know that?" he smiles a bright happy smile.

"And you're a funny boy adrien!" i laugh.

I Rest my hand behind my back and enjoy the breeze.

i feel something cover my hand as i look to see adriens hand ontop of mine.

He looks at me with and embarrased slash flushed and blushed face.

I smile at him as he puts his hand back.

I rest my head on his shoulder and enjoy the noise of the waves crashing against eachother.



sorry for not updating in a while!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter luvs!

Bye bugaboos!

Gn <3

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