Chapter 12 "chloe-aotic"

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after swimming practice with Adrien i finally got to rest!

i slump down on the sand and stare at the world around me.

"the Bahamas is such a beautiful place.." i say to myself as i gaze at the sky.

"not as beautiful as you though" adrien lays himself down beside me.

"oh that was cute.." i face my head towards him.

"not as cute as you" he winks at me.

"okay stop it.." i push my hands on his face.

"what, its facts!" he laughs.

"okay okay wait, lets talk real stuff, not about how beautiful or pretty i am, because i already know that!" i flip my pigtails.

he chuckles a bit, " about we watch when Marnie was there tonight?"

"nooo, we already watched that twice!  maybe spider man homecoming?" i say.

"we literally just watched that 3 or 4 days ago on the plane ride here!" Adrien says.

"well i dont mind seeing tom Holland again.." i make a Debby Ryan.

"uhm hello? you're boyfriend is right here?" he stares at me.

i giggle.

"no tom holland is as adowable as my wittwe adwien!!" i poke his cheeks.

he giggles a bit then stops to think.

i lay my head onto him as there's quietness.

" are there any movies have we haven't watched?" he wonders.

"DID SOMEONE SAY MOVIES/!!" aliz bumpes in shocking me and adrien.

i get up to see he has again and we bump heads.

i scratch mine as he does aswell.

"alixx!" i say.

"OKAY WAIT!! i'm having a movie night at my dorm room tonight ya better come!" alix says in her energetic voice.

"how many parties are you going to host alix? and does miss bustier know?" adrien says still scratching his forehead from the bump.

"uhh first of all its not a party, its a movie night like a sleepover ish but NO WAY yall are sleeping in my dorm room like get the hell 'outta there! and second of all, no miss bustier doesn't know, and snitches end up in ditches so yeah!" she says in her cool voice.

"who's even coming?" i ask.

"what movie are we going to watch?" adrien asks.


i look at Adrien as he looks at me.

"sure!" we say in unison.

"perfect!" she hops away back towards max, who seems to be writing how many people are going to be there.

i see adrien leaning towards me.

"are you going to kiss my forehead?" i laugh.

"i don't know.. am i?" he laughs as he gives my forehead a peck.

"there, all better!" he smiles.

"It's dorky.." i blush as i cross my legs against my chest.

"you know you call it dorky, when you kissed me goodnight on my forehead last night" he chuckles.

A trip to the BahamasWhere stories live. Discover now