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los angeles, california

I stopped in front of Aiden's house and took a deep breath before opening my car door and stepping out, beginning to make my way to his front door.

I rang the doorbell letting it ring completely out before getting no response.

Looking down at my smartwatch I read the time that read "9:48" in the morning.

I groaned at their tardiness and rung the doorbell again before the door swung open with Aiden and one of his groupies standing behind it.

The latina woman side-eyed me with an annoyed look before sneering "Who the fuck is this?!"

I took a deep breath and said "I'm nobody. Aiden where's my baby?"

"Oh you're the bitch that didn't make it." She laughed to herself

I slightly rolled my eyes and said "Whatever La Vida Loca, I could get back with him if I wanted to, so please enjoy the fact he's fucking you in the moment. Aiden where's Sarai?"

Aiden did nothing but smirk at me and said to the girl "Don't worry about her, I'll call you tonight."

Before she could contest anymore, he leaned down and kissed her softly grabbing her chin in one hand and grabbing her ass with the other.

Sarai then peeped around the corner before seeing me and running full speed to me.

I bent down to her height and letting her run into my arms as I swooped her up beginning to kiss her face.

"Mommy!" She squealed making me smile hardly

"Hey baby girl!" I said smiling as I held her in my arms

"Can we go get breakfast please?!!" She asked me giving me puppy dog eyes

I laughed and said "Yes, we're go get breakfast and see a friend of mommy's for a bit then we can go to the carnival pier."

♡︎𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒;Where stories live. Discover now