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los angeles, california

"Xièxiè!" I said to the Chinese lady as she handed me the food and I handed her, her money.

"Bùyòng xiè!" She replied with a warm smile as I closed the front door taking the hot food into the house, walking it into the kitchen sitting the bag down on the counter.

I began to walk back into Paul's living room and my eyes began to settle on a picture of him and Meadow making me smile as I lifted it seeing how happy they looked.

"Making yourself at home I see."

I sat the picture down and turned seeing Paul wearing nothing but sweatpants, "I'm sorry for snooping."

"Stop apologizing to me. I told you it was fine." He chuckled making me almost apologize again before I said simply "The foods here."

"Dammit! I forgot to give you the money." He said agitated with himself

"It's fine. I got it." I replied making him walk over to me and say, "I really wanted to treat you tonight..."

"You want to treat me? Direct me to your shower please." I contended making him laugh and say "Follow me."

"I don't know if I trust you, speedy." I teased making him laugh a bit harder

"Is it because I don't have a shirt on?" He rebutted as I followed him up the steps carefully examining his back muscles.

"Whatever." I retorted slightly embarrassed as he walked into his bedroom that was surprisingly neat.

My eyes began to scan the cozy yet huge bedroom before he said "You can take my bed tonight, I'll sleep on the couch."

"No." I reprimanded shaking my head slightly

♡︎𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒;Where stories live. Discover now