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glendale, california

I softly pressed kisses on Paul's jawline as he held me in his arms still asleep.

What happened earlier this morning was heavily on my mind. It was something straight from a fairy tale, how he made all of my negative emotions just disappear and made me laugh instead with his goofiness.

I began to gaze at the beauty marks around his neck before softly touching them making him deeply inhale.

"Why are you touching me?" He said in a low tone with his eye still shut,

"Sorry," I replied beginning to move from his chest not wanting to cause a problem

"I'm just playing!" He replied with a laugh pulling me back into his arms, holding me close making me smile, "You can touch me all you want if it keeps that smile on your face."

"Merry Christmas." I beamed pecking his lips

"Merry Christmas, beautiful lady." He replied laying a kiss on my cheek, "Let me get your present."

"You know you didn't have to get me anything." I replied making him shew me away causing a laugh to escape my lips

He then got up and walked to his closet before pulling out a little box making my eyes furrow as he sat beside me on the bed after handing me the box.

I smiled and untied the bow on this little box before opening the top revealing a Bora Bora pamphlet, I laughed and said "What's this?!"

"I have to return back to shooting in a few weeks and I know you go back to work soon as well...so I was wondering whether you'd let me take you on vacation with the little princesses of course?" He said with a hopeful smile

♡︎𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒;Where stories live. Discover now