Chapter 1

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Oliver Sweeney sat in the diner in his little home town, which was almost the middle of nowhere, sipping on a cup of coffee and reading the paper. He was 35, tall, handsome, nice kid. He used to be quite the ladies man in the days of his teenage years.

"Look at this, Josh!" Oliver said frustrated.

"What's the matter, kid?" Asked Josh, whom was sitting right next to him.

Josh Hamilton was a slightly older man, 62 to get technical, with thick glasses and dirty overalls.

"People complaining about shit that they can fix. Stupid questions with obvious answers."

"Like what?" Josh asked.

Oliver looked up from his paper, "This story is about a man who committed murder, they've got proof on his dumb ass. Now he might be going to prison, he might get chance of parole, the only thing they know for sure is that he did do it and they aren't going to kill him. It's stupid! We need to enforce punishments dammit!! People can get away with whatever they want! A life for a life I say! Kill that bastard!"

Josh nodded, half listening, half not. During the conversation, Alice Duncan walked in. She was a short, stubborn woman whom lived on gossip and unpronounceable coffee drinks.

"What animals! Killing other humans! that's sick!" She exclaimed.

"Just returning the favor." Oliver said.

"It doesn't make it any less cruel." She said.

"This man kills a helpless woman who was tied to a chair and beaten for several days without food. Instead if putting this demon back to hell where he belongs you would rather keep him alive and give him a chance to walk the streets free like me and you? Yes that sounds splendid!"

"Well, I don't know what to say." She said offended looking.

"Good, maybe it will stay that way." Josh said.

"Jaylene, can I have a refill?" Oliver asked.

"Sure, anything for you, Josh?" asked Jaylene.

Josh looked up, unaware of his surroundings, "Sure, Jaylene, thanks." Josh said.

"Welcome. That's all?" She asked.

"That's it." Said Oliver.

Jaylene was 36 and practically grew up at the diner. Her mother worked there all her life. After Jaylene graduated high school in Georgia she came back to Montana to become a waitress.

She turned around and got another cup of coffee for Josh and Oliver. The coffee was hot, as intended to be, but it was especially nice for it was cold as a prostitutes heart outside. Alice, who was never a snow person to begin with, hated it outside. She couldn't wear her shorts or beaded flip flops- though on Montana she didn't wear a lot of that for most of the year anyway.

"Oh I just hate the snow we get! It's freezing outside!" Alice bitched

"No shit?" Oliver asked sarcastically.

"You moved to Montana for the love of God. You want 24/7 sun? Live in California!" Josh grunted.

"The day I listen to you, old man, is the day that hell freezes over." Alice said in a huff.

"Here, Alice, why don't you calm down and have some coffee. It'll make you feel better and I can make it pretty the way you like." She said, trying to keep Alice calm.

"Ok, I'll have a macchiato with just a sprinkle of nutmeg. Thank you, Jaylene, your an angel." Alice said sitting down.

Jaylene turned around and began to make Alice's coffee. The men talked and read the paper, Alice read a magazine. Jaylene looked over her shoulder. They amazed her. She remembered when she was a child and her dad and Josh would go out working and take her with.

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