Chapter 19

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After Ethan and Anna went to the back room Alice grabbed her pistole and went to protect a window. Gunther took her aside.

"You go out and help John. I'll give you the rifle and you give me the pistole. You'd be a better protector than an old man." Papa Gunther said trading guns.

Alice nodded and took the position with honor. The had been assigned positions earlier in case of an attack so that way they could fight them off much easier.

She went outside and informed John of the bew plan. He seemed content. Papa Guther always made good choices.

She assumed the other side of the porch to protect his back. A zombie came flying out of the woods. Alice took it out. Head shot! Fifty points!

Shot after shot after shot was fired. There couldn't be many zombies left. Who's idea was it to have two grave yards? And what dumbass put one in the woods. I mean seriously, what the hell man?

Alice turned around to check on John. It could have only been two seconds. Then she felt a percing pain in her neck.

"John!" She screamed.

He shot at the zombie. It was very close to her head and for a second she thought her was shooting at her.

Her hand went to her wound. Blood. Lots of blood. It was a big enough wound alright. They both knew what that ment. But neither said it.

"You'll be alright, Alice." John said coming to her aid.


"Damnit, Alice your going to be fine!"

"Kill me."

"No God damnit I won't!"

"I'm gonna turn. I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Then I'll kill you when you turn. You still look human to me. We ain't loosing you this soon."

"It's been great knowing you, John. I want you to know something before I die. You where my favorite. And your son is very well behaved."

John felt tears in his eyes. He tried to blink them back, but how could he? His friend was dying in his arms. It was all he could do to not die himself.

She couldn't go like this. He brought her inside. The zombies seemed to fade away and the fireing ceased. The world paused as it felt the life draing form one of it's beautiful childeren.

"Alice? Alice what happend?" Asked Mike running to her side.

She just smiled. Mike shook his head and Gunther was getting band-aids and hydrogeyn preoxide. Alice was going to pull threw. They'd make sure of it.

They tried cleaning, patching, and other methods. But none of it was working. It it was a lower part of one of her limbs they'd amputate. But this was the womans neck. Her damn neck! None of them where doctors and yet they all knew that you needed all of you neck.

Eyes where watering, but none fell. No one would cry. That would not be the last thing she saw. They didn't have much else to show her though. Tears wasn't on the list.

"Good bye. Tell Oliver that I didn't doe hating him. And tell Harvey good luck. Tell them all I love them." Said Alice.

Then her eyes closed. The light was gone from her eyes. It wouldn't be that long before she came back and ate them without blinking.

Clint knew that when she turned no one else could kill her but him. He took her outside and waited. Inside was a bunch of uneasy hearts and souls.

He didn't feel right doing this. Waiting. Waiting for her to wake up sk he could shoot her in the head. But it wasn't her. It was something that looked like her. That's all.

She sat up and looked at him. Her skin was an ugly gray color and her eyes looked glazed and milky. Clint didn't think twice and got her in the side of the head.

John walked out on the porch. He looked down at her. Then laughed alittle. As if to himself.

"If I'd been facing her, just for a second..." His voice trailed a bit.

Clint nodded, "You know it wasn't you fault. It's not like you where the one who bit her."

"No, but I should have turned around sooner. I was just about to look over at her to see how she was doing. Funny how things work out. Neither of us heard that zombie."

"Yeah. Guess that's just how it works. In some random selection, yet totally in order."

John began to dig a grave while Papa Gunther got his bible. Anna comforted Mike, no one expected this turn of events. Then again, no one was paying attention to what the kids where doing.

John was on the phone with Oliver explaining what happend, Ethan and Clint where helping in whatever way they could. Mike and Anna where becoming close friends.

"She wanted me to tell you that she didn't die hating you. She wants to let Harvey know good luck with the baby. Over all though she just kept saying she loved everyone and how she was found of y'all." Said John. Then silence for a moment.

"Yep, we're doing it right now. Ok. Alright. Ok see ya soon. Ok good bye." He hung up.

Somehow every one, one by one, dressed in nice black clothing and gathered in the front yard. It was the first death. The worst death.

Gunther said a prayer as John And Owen laid her gently in her grave. Then they all took turns saying something about Alice.

"I'm going to miss making her coffee. Ya know I only bought half that coffee stuff just so I could make her cute little drinks." Said Jaylene.

"When I first met her she just had this glow on her face. It was so sweet. Even in this kind of world she just crouched down to introduce herself." Said Ashlynn.

"She always found it polite to introduce herself. Then she'd say something nice. She always said something nice after she shook your hand." Said Oliver.

"Her smile was so beautiful. I loved it when I saw her smile. She was a good friend. I'm going to miss her." Said John.

"She was kinda short. And I like short people because I'm short. My mama said that short people where short because God made them with big hearts and ran out of stuff for the legs." Said Anna.

"I didn't know her. She seemed very sweet by the sound of all these stories. I hope to meet her in the next life." Said Lucy.

Ethan felt that was morbid and Clint had felt alittle uncomfortable with her saying it too, but everyone else thought it was beautiful.

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