Chapter 6

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Jaylene sat down at the kitchen table to eat. Yum, macaroni. The kind you microwave too!! Exciting.

In the depressing silence that was Jaylene's home there was a loud banging at the door. For some reason Jaylene felt the need to grab her knife, not sure why. So she opened her door cautiously. Good thing to.

Some woman who looked like she'd been in a terrible car accident like five years ago, lunged at her causing both to fall onto the ground.

Jaylene reached out with one hand to grab her knife and one hand was keeping this freaks mouth away from her. What had gotten into this girl?

She grabbed her knife and stabbed her in the neck multiple times. When the freak woman tired and tried to treat her wound a little, Jaylene grabbed her pistol and shot the living hell out of her skull.

Turns out what her grandfather had been telling her all these years where true. The zombie apocalypse was happening. Jaylene just had her first hand experience with killing a zombie.

Blood was everywhere. We're talking everywhere. On the walls, her furniture, her clothes. It didn't even phase her. She'd had been in Nam in between high school and now.

At least four years before she left. They discharged her because she had received a server bullet wound to her leg an could not fight anymore. Obviously she had healed from it enough to kill, but like hell was she going back.

Clean up time. No, call Oliver and Owen time to be more exact. She limped to the phone and called Oliver's cell.

"Oliver? You there?" She asked panicked.

"It's eleven. What do you need?" He said groggy.

"I need you out at my place now! Hurry! My legs acting up again and I don't know how many more there are."

"What? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Just hurry."

She hung up the phone and looked at her leg. In the battle with the zombie shed twisted her leg in a weird way. She could barley move it. It hurt so damn bad and she couldn't drag herself to the bathroom to take care of it.

Oliver needed to get his ass over there and help her. Jaylene pulled herself onto a chair, didn't help so she let herself slide down the floor again. Helpless. That was the worst feeling ever. It felt like years before Oliver and Owen showed up.

By the time they walked in Jaylene was totally out of it. We where talking fucked up side the head. Owen and Oliver where amazed that she had done this. They hadn't known that she had ever been in combat till now.

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