Chapter 7

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Harvey woke up looking at the celling. She was alone, if only Oliver had spent the night last night. He only wanted it to be a one time thing. Or did he?

By now he must want more. Harvey never disappointed anyone. Not even her professor in collage. If you can't tell, Harvey's a big fat slut.

This time was different, she felt different, she didn't know how though. She got up and went to her kitchen. She looked in the fridge and ran to the bathroom to puke.

Puke? What? Harvey was healthy. Guess not. She hoped Oliver wasn't sick, maybe he got her sick. He didn't look sick yesterday. Harvey just sat in front of the toilet thinking about what bug she could've caught.

She'd finally regained enough strength to stand and brush the hell out of her teeth. Gross. She took her temperature, she didn't have a fever. She hadn't eaten anything this morning that could make her puke.

Harvey went to the kitchen one more time, she did not open the fridge. Instead she went to the store and bought a can of corn and three bags of chips. Weird, she never really ate chips. Or corn now that she thought about it.

Once she walked in the door she ripped open one of the chips and just dug in. It looked like she hadn't eaten in years. For some reason she thought her mother, when she first got pregnant. She told Harvey that the first day of her pregnancy she had strange carvings.

The rest of the day Harvey thought about it. It wouldn't leave her, when she moved boxes, when the Directv guy came over, when she hoped in the shower. Harvey looked down at her stomach. Was she..?

No, no she couldn't. She was on the pill, wait, when was the last time she took it? Oh Lord. Harvey closed her eyes. All she wanted was an answer. That's all she needed.

Harvey would have to wait for what seemed like forever. But patience is a virtue, at least that's what her mother always said. Patience child, she'd say, patience.

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