Chapter 15

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Alice Duncan was held up in her house. The poor woman was alone, scard, and five pounds more then when she killed her hampster.

Then she heard a motor. A car! People! She was saved. She quickly packed all of her clothes, water bottles, a tooth brush, and women supplies and ran out into the road.

"Alice! Thank the Lord. I thought you where dead!" Exclaimed Oliver.

"You mean your glad to see me? I thought you didn't like me."

"Fuck that! We're living in zombie land. I'm not going to hate you over nothing. I've got bigger problems."

"Can I stay with you guys? I've got water bottles, tooth paste, and- oh shit! I left it in the house. I'll be right back."

Oliver went with her into the house to get all of her toilet paper. Her house had become messy. And smelly.

"Oh and we'll need this." She picked up an unopend box of granola bars, I'm so glad you guys found me! I thought I was going to die alone."

"Are you ok?"

"Don't worry. I'm not scratched up or hurt or sick. That reminds me."

She grabbed all the medicene and vitamins she had and stuffes them in her bag.

Oliver got her into the car and they drive around town looking for anything. Alice had brought some great supplies but they needed a little more.

The only thing they could find at the store was cough syrup and tooth paste. Well, what where you going to do? Owen joked about the store not careing about the town anymore.

"I can't fucking belive your pregnant! Who's baby?" Asked Jaylene.

"Olivers." Said Harvey.

"Is that why he flipped during that phone call and left in a hurry?"


"What does Ashlynn think of all this?"

"She doesn't know!"

"You need to tell her. This is her half sibbling. You need to know how she feels."

"I can't tell her! Can you?"

"No! This needs to come from you. When Oliver gets back the three of you need to talk about it like adults. I mean what are you going to do when that thing does pop out of you and Oliver starts acting like he does with Ash? Then what?"

"I know! I-I-" Harvey started crying.

"Fuck. The damn horamones have already kicked in. Sweety I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get mad at you. We just need to square this away ok."

"Will y-y-you help me t-t-tell her?" She said through the tears.

"Stop crying. Come with me to the bathroom, lets clean off your makeup and put some water on your face. Then when the boys get back, you, Oliver, and Ash can all go on a hike and talk about it."

Harvey nodded as they walked to the bathroom together.

John pulled the squad car into the driveway there where two people in the yard that Alice didn't reconize. A woman who looked early twenties and a little boy who looked like John.

"Who's that?" Alice asked motianing to the woman.

"That's my daughter. You remember Mary?" Said Oliver.

"I just thought she got bloaty and uglier. She didn't really have that pregnant look. Just alittle on the front you know it?"

"Yeah. God that woman was crazy. She was on something I know it."

"So that's your girl. Oh I need to clean up. I can't meet your daughter like this. She'll think I'm a lunatic." Said Alice.

"You are." Oliver said jokingly.

She shot him a glare then kinda lauphed alittle. She was glad he was friendly joking with her. She missed being his friend.

They boys walked into the house, Alice stayed behind to introduce herself. She squated down to see face to face with Ashlynn.

"Hello. I'm Alice Duncan. Me and your father go way back. I'm almost mad at him for not introduceing us." Alice said.

"Hello, Alice. I'm Ashlynn Sweeny. I find that there are a lot if people who my dad hasn't introduced me to. If he introduces me to anyone else that he's known for a while I will be very upset."

They shook hands and went inside with Mikey right behind. Alice was just happy as a clam. Honeslty she was happy with the zombies. They had brought her and Oliver together again and she even met his daughter.

She seemed like a nice girl. She looked like her dad. Same nose. She had her mothers long blond hair though. Such a sweet heart.

"Alice!" Jaylene screamed coming out of the bathroom.

"Jaylene!" Screamed Alice.

They embraced eachother, "It's so good to see you, Alice. I've missed making your girly coffee."

"You make it so nice. I've missed drinking it!"

They let go of eachother, "Have you met Harvey Rose?" Asked Jaylene.

"Oh yes, from high school."

"She's in the bathroom."

"Oh my God she's here! I'm so glad she's ok!"

Harvey walked out of the bathroom. Her makeup was off. No one had relized it before this but she looked differnt. It might have been the lighting but something was differnt. Only two people knew what.

"Harvey! You look great!" Alice exclaimed hugging Harvey.

"It's so goid to see you. I'm glad your ok." Said Harvey.

They stopped hugging abd Alice jumped around. Maybe zombies wern't such a bad thing after all. It's worked out fine for Alice so far. Fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Then Alice asked the deadlyist question of all.

"What's the sleeping arrangments here? I'd like to set my bag somewhere."

"Oh fuck. Um.... I'm not quiet sure if that yet."

"Well, Gunther did say to call if we needed anything. He's got two spare bedrooms and a cott. Could be nice." Suggested Jaylene.

"I don't want to force people on him." Said Oliver.

"Well, it would be safer. What if he got hurt and needed help? Having a person or two wouldn't be to bad. It'd be like back up." Said Alice.

Oliver picked up the phone, "Gunther? It's Oliver. I was curious, I don't have a lot of space here at my house and was wondering..........Really? You'd do that? Up to three people? Ok." Oliver put the phone to his chest, "Who's with Gunther?"

John and Mike raised there hands. Alice raused hers too. She knew about Jaylenes leg and Owen was his cousin, plus there was something in between Harv and Oliver.

"Ok, John and his son, and Alice. Is that ok with you? Ok sounds good. I'll send them over." He hung up the phone.

John, Mike, and Alice grabbed their things and loaded in the squad car. It was a long ride down. But it was worth it.

When they got there Gunther had a gun in his lap and was napping. John knocked on the door.

"Wake up. Where are tge bedrooms?"

"Across the hall. Last two doors." Gunther said sleepy.

"And the cott?"

"It's in one of the bedrooms. I can't remember."

They dispursed into there seperate rooms to get assituated. Kinda a small house, but it's cozy. Nice and cozy.

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