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"can i go?" i asked sitting up as the familiar nurse walked in. my speech still needed some improvement but the sleep did me good.

i had just woken up in my small hospital bed. my head still ached terribly and the sun was shining in my eyes which made me squint.

"where?" she said opening a pill bottle and going to the small sink beside my bed that i hadn't realized was there.

"my...boyfree t-treyor fwammy?" i asked.

she handed me two pills and gave me a cup of water. i swallowed the pills and drank the cold water she'd given me. i'd been thirsty forever.

"you'll have to be supervised. do you have a friend or family member?" she asked taking the glass away from me.

"yes." i said.

"you'll have to come back here when you're done visiting. we'll do one more checkup and maybe you can go home. i'll have to call the hospital too, to see if he's conscious and open for visiting." she said resting a hand on my hand.

i nodded and laid my pounding head back down on my pillow.

"lemme call." she said leaving the room.

the accident replayed in my head. i never got to say 'i love you' back to him. i missed his snuggles and hugs and kisses. his salty lips and minty breathe. his scent that made me melt and his fluffy hair that i touched all the time. all of a sudden the nurse came in and i'd found our her name was miliana.

"he's ready. but he's sleeping a lot." she said at my door.

"which person is coming along with you?" she asked.

"j-jordan." i agreed on. she'd been with my through a lot. i hoped my other friends wouldn't be offended. or my mom.

all of a sudden my friends and family rushed in the room with smiles.

"you're awake baby." my mom whispered to me. they all stood around my bed.

i hadn't seen them since i woke up.

"i heard ou," i said wanting her to know that i heard her when she talked to me.

"okay, do you need more rest?"

"no. trevor please." i said clearly and my speech sounded perfect.

"she's going to see trevor today," the nurse spoke up.

"with jordan because she needs to be supervised." she added.

my moms face looked like it silently dropped it and her mouth hung in a frown as she still was squeezing my hand. jordan smiled and winked at me.

"now." i said to the doctor. i wanted to see trevor now.

she went over the rules and everything jordan had to do with me and jordan agreed with her and squeezed my hand.

"c'mon pretty." she said.

miliana wheeled in a wheelchair and i slowly sat up and sat in it, stopping every so often because it felt like my head was going to fall off from the pain. jordan started wheeling me down the hallway and then we went down the elevator. it smelt like hospital. i always hated the smell when i was a kid. it reminded me of death and medication and dying. it was just scary to a kid like me. i didn't completely understand what a hospital actually was and did. jordan made small talk with me as she got me into her car but my mind was elsewhere, focusing on other things.

"are you excited?" jordan asked me, turning her music off as soon as the loud sound poured out of the speaker. it hurt my head.

"scare." was all i said but she nodded.

"20 minutes britt, why don't you take a short nap?" she suggested smiling and looking over at me.

i just looked down because i got dizzy when i looked out of the window and the car made my head pound more. it reminded me of before the crash.

"you know i'll always love you?" he said to me with his warm voice as he watched the road in front of him.

and i never said i love you back.

my eyes opened to jordan shaking me.

"babe, we're here."

"can you help?" i asked her and i think my speech was finally back.

she unbuckled my seat belt and opened my door. than she randomly put some mascara on me. my face was still probably purple and swollen and i had the hideous head cast on still.

the cold air hit my face as i stepped out of the car. she helped me up and we walked super slowly to the hospital does, stopping once in a while because my head would pound. she put me in a wheelchair when we got inside and wheeled me into the elevator. she pulled out a slip of paper from her jacket pocket and them clicked a button on the elevator. meanwhile, i was massaging my head. the elevator dinged and she wheeled me out when the doors opened.

"will he recognize me?" i asked, again my speech perfect.

"of course. he loves you!" she said showing her bright white teeth.

she wheeled me to a door. it had no window to look in. she just knocked. nobody answered so she turned the knob and entered.

trevor was lying in his bed. he looked straight at me. his eyelashes, visibly curled from the length i was away from him and his hair in the quiff it's always in. his arm was casted. i didn't realize i was crying until a tear fell onto my cold skin. his angel face still looked the same. jordan wheeled me to beside his bed and she sat in the chair silently.

"trevor. i love you, i love you, i love you." was all i said as i held his hand tightly.

"do i know you?" he asked.


okay don't kill me for not updating. but oh my lord jesus, just as you thought everything was going good, it went opposite. ha tricked you. be prepared for updates coming soon. read my cethany fanfic too called 'falling in love.' by the way i love reading your comments!

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