Chapter 16

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---Thorn's POV---

I felt nervous, anxious yet curious as the last few days were spent with me recovering from my sudden illness, though I couldn't gain control over my powers just yet. Father had tried to explain, telling me that it was normal; my body had been overwhelmed with power and tried to adapt but now it had crashed and needed to reboot.

Pushing myself up, my legs still held that shaky sensation though I knew I was strong enough to stand and even walk around. Bidziil was nowhere to be found, so I imagined he was probably working from his office again, trying to plan and make sure the Angels wouldn't touch me.

The angels...technically my family, who want to murder me because I oppose their God, their believes...

I felt hollow, sad at the thought; after all these years of struggling to survive on Earth, watching enviously as children were doted on by their parents and family, I had always wished for my own. Now my wish had turned against me because as soon as I realized that I truly had a family of my own, I had to realize that they wanted to kill me.

Even they want nothing to do with me.

My nose curled at the hissed thought before I shook my head. A family that acted that way wasn't family. They could only claim the bond of blood if they wanted to but Blake, little Noah, Lyra, Bidziil...they were my true family.

Padding down the hallway, I came to a halt in the office and smiled slightly, shaking my head before I silently walked in. Carefully I circled around the desk, not wanting to disturb Bidziil.

Soft breaths puffed past his parted lips, his fingers loosely curled around the pen that was threatening to fall to the floor. A soft smile played on my lips as I came to a halt beside the sleeping Bidziil.

Poor guy, he probably spent all night making sure that his realm's defenses were impenetrable, that only his family could leave and enter at will. Reaching forwards, I carefully slipped the pen out of his hold, biting my lip when Bidziil mumbled slightly and rolled his head.

"Bidziil." I murmured, nudging against his shoulder but didn't get a response. Damn, he slept like a rock! I had to literally push and shove him before he even blinked with his eyes, but when he looked up at me, I realized quickly that he was still half asleep and unaware of what was happening.

"Come on, you can't stay here, let's sleep in your bed." I had to coo and persuade him, tugging at his arms before he huffed and pushed himself up, stumbling forwards. I had to guide him through the hallway and chuckled slightly when he dropped in the bed, groaning out loud when I told him to at least remove his shoes.

He toed his shoe off and proceeded to kick it away with an irritated growl because his second one wouldn't come off. "He's acting like a big child." I chuckled to myself as I stooped down and removed the offending shoe, picking its brother up and placed them beside the bed.

Staying crouched beside the bed, I took the moment to admire the half-naked man as he struggled with his shirt, ending up with simply ripping the fabric off of his body. My eyes appraised his body, head tilted slightly as I started to realize that I more than trusted Bidziil.

He was the only one to draw these reactions out of me, both physical and emotional. He was the one who was able to calm me down when my powers went crazy, when I became a moody and annoying brat or hopelessly emotional.

But above all, he was the one I could confide in. I've spent a few nights simply talking to Bidziil, telling him about my experiences on Earth as a child. The fear, the anguish, not knowing what the next danger would be, all of it was taken away by him as he soothingly rubbed my arms and listened patiently.

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