Chapter 22

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---Thorn's POV---

My wings fluttered, sending shadows to scurry over the floor and across the walls before blending in with the surroundings. I couldn't control the irritated jerks of my wings, nor the way the feathers puffed up and bristled at the sight of the Angels.

White feathers elegantly fluttered down from the sky as numerous angels flocked together, landing without so much as a breeze. I could feel my eyes heat up, glowing as they flicked from one group to another while I ignored their condescending stares.

The humans had trained me over the years after all, glaring at me whenever they could. The disgust and hatred in these angels' gazes was nothing compared to some of the death glares I had received from a mere mortal.

I snorted and averted my eyes, glaring into the distance. The angels hadn't made a move yet, simply because their God hadn't shown up. Now they were ruffling their feathers and glaring at me, even though their God's law was supposed to condemn hatred.

Guess these angels take after their precious humans. Like Creator, like creation, I guess.

Warmth brushed against my back before two strong arms looped around, Bidzill's jaw resting on my shoulder whilst glaring at the gathering up ahead.

I smiled as my wings fluttered, the feathers seemingly reaching out to brush against Bidzill's skin. My smile turned to a smirk when I felt him shiver against me before his lips pressed against my temple.

The sunlight bounced off of the wings of the angels, creating spectacular rays of light and color that shot of each and every way. They seemed to preen under the sunlight, basking in its glow before it would make way for the night.

I didn't let it get to me though. My father and Bidzill both had reassured me time and time again that I was more powerful than these angels. What they didn't know was that I could actually feel that.

Even with their preening and being all prim and proper, they were afraid. They were trying to intimidate me because they all knew that I was a threat to them, if I desired to fight them.

It wasn't so much the physical fight but more the fact that whatever decision they made, whatever decree their God put out... I could void that.

And that absolutely terrified them. They didn't hate me past the fact that my creation shouldn't have happened in the first place, according to their laws. They simply didn't know me and how I would react and respond to certain circumstances.

Bidzill huffed in annoyance. "Judging from their behavior in the absence of their God, I'm starting to think they want you to pick sides." His lips pursed, eyes flaring bright gold in anger. "With them... or against them."

I rolled my eyes while leaning against him, glad that I had his support because I still felt rather weak. My legs trembled the slightest bit, but I could probably fault that to Bidzill rubbing his stubble absentmindedly against my shoulder.

The sound of more wings beating against the air made me look back before smiling grimly as father landed a few feet away. His expression had soured as he glared at the rest of the angels, massive wings held out behind him before they effortlessly folded into his body.

Wisps of his power flashed through the darkening sky, emitting little screeches as they darted around, seemingly annoying the Angels of light.

My own powers flared awake with a dull hum but my entities stayed back. The angels all had their sights set on me and I could tell one wrong move would set them off, if their God allowed it or not.

Surprisingly they didn't respond, though was it really that surprising? I could feel the energy building behind them and knew their God had finally arrived. They parted for the Deity, lowering their heads as it passed.

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