Chapter 19

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---Bidziil's POV---

Thorn was growing restless.

It was normal, considering the fact that he wasn't able to go outside or back home to see how Lyra and little Noah were doing. Instead he was forced to stay inside, only able to gaze at the world through the windows, and only after I reinforced them with spells.

Alduin was currently on a patrol, scanning the skies for any angelic activities. He had already reported several small tears in the barriers, where the angels had attempted to break through. What was more concerning though, was that Alduin had spotted several spots in the sky that seemed to glow with heaven fire.

I frowned, arms crossed in front of my chest as I glared at the sky outside. If what Alduin has spotted was true, then the angels were preparing for mass teleportation. And if that was the case, we had to be able to stop them from actually breaching through into my realm.

A soft sigh made me look at Thorn, who was seated on the bed and rolling his shoulders. My frown only deepened as I caught a glimpse of discomfort on his face before he closed his eyes and sighed once more.

"What's wrong?" I murmured softly, gaining his attention. Thorn smiled, though I could tell it took some effort before he shrugged his shoulders. "My back is killing me but I guess it's from lying around all day and not being able to do something else.

For a moment, his blue eyes sparked with pain but he easily concealed it, much to my concern. If Thorn was hiding the true effect of his pain, something was seriously wrong. With a deep sigh, I walked over to the bed and settled beside him.

"Don't hide it Thorn, I can see your suffering. Why didn't you tell me things were getting worse?" I scolded while reaching out to rub over his back. Oddly enough, his back was cool to the touch but as I brushed gently over his spine, I could feel the slightest of abnormalities underneath his skin.

"What....what is that?" Thorn asked with a small voice as I slowly trailed the lump underneath his skin. It was barely noticeable but when I put slight pressure on it, it flexed...on both sides of his shoulders.

My eyes widened as an idea came to mind, this time both my hands brushing over his back. "I believe you inherited something of both your parents..." I murmured calmly, sensing Thorn's panic.

He calmed down, only just and reached his own hand back to brush over the newly formed joints underneath his skin. "Do you mean..." He trailed off as I lifted a brow and smirked slowly.

My eyes flitted towards the door, where I had heard footsteps coming closer. When Thorn looked over, his father just stepped inside, pausing as he noticed both of us staring at him.

"Jason, you might want to take a look at this." Jason's golden eyes flared in curiosity, a hint of worry in his movements as he walked around the bed and glanced at our hands. His eyes narrowed slightly but instantly sparked with understanding as he traced the barely visible lines on his shoulder and back.

We caught each other's eyes and nodded, knowing what exactly Thorn had inherited. "This will complicate matters." Jason sighed, thumb pressing slightly on the forming joints before he gave his son's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Why?" Thorn asked cautiously, the blue flashing in the darkness of his eyes. Jason sighed deeply, tiredly rubbing his neck as he looked down at his son.

With a jerk of his chin towards Thorn's back, Jason replied, "Wings aren't just formed; they're earned. Which means that we have miscalculated the angels intentioned. They aren't just waiting for an opportunity to teleport inside this realm."

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