Chapter 18

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--Thorn's POV--

The first thing I felt as I slowly woke up was the warm sensation of gentle fingers drawing patterns on my skin. I kept my eyes closed, breath gently puffing out between my parted lips as I basked in the steady heat that seemed to pour from Bidziil.

He knew I was awake but didn't comment on me lying spread over his chest or our legs tightly intertwined. If it was possible, I knew for sure that we would've ended up even closer together.

A smile slipped on my lips as every breath from Bidziil rocked my head in a steady yet gentle rhythm, almost soothing me back to sleep. Inhale, exhale and the steady thumps of his heart as an underlining beat sounded through my ear before I sighed and stretched a bit, cursing softly under my breath.


I didn't even have the energy to open my eyes so I simply grumbled against his skin, "Its your fault that my back is stiff and I can barely move, you animal." He chuckled at that, succeeding to rock me from side to side until I bit nipple in retaliation.

Bidziil squeaked and jumped at that, making me smirk before I shot up myself when both his palms crashed on my arse with an echoing smack before he groped the two globes tightly.

"You asshole-" I chuckled unwillingly as I saw his wide grin, eyes darkening slightly as he noticed my nudity as I still sat on top of him. My eyes widened and I shook my head before slipping off of his body when I felt a certain limb twitch against my entrance.

"Oh no you don't, you're not going to cripple me any further!" My feet padded on the floor as I took a few steps away from the bed to make sure Bidziil wasn't able to lay his hands on me again, watching as the man lazily turned on his side and propped his hand underneath his cheek, staring unashamed at my body.

He hummed pleasantly under his breath as I shivered under his perusal, my own eyes flitting over his muscled form that was illuminated by the bright glow of the sun, trying to creep its way past the curtains and into the room.

I could feel my heart jump and stomach flutter as I realized that this man felt the same way about me, that we were technically lovers. Partners. As if he could hear my thoughts, his golden eyes seemed to melt from the heat that simmered deep within before he made the move to get out of bed.

My hand dropped behind me, desperately groping to find the door handle as my lover stood in all his glory and slowly stalked in my direction. When I felt the smooth doorknob under my palm, I twisted and opened the door and stumbled into the bathroom.

Just when I was about to close the door behind me, I felt a presence behind me before Bidziil's warm skin pressed against my own. My synapses stuttered before freezing all together when I felt and saw one of Bidziil's big hands circle around, clasping firmly on my hip while his mouth hovered on my shoulder.

"Do you want to share a shower with me?" He husked seductively, tongue tracing the shell of my ear before he nipped at the fleshy lobe, making me shiver slightly. I managed to nod my head with wobbling knees, mentally rolling my eyes at myself.

"Didn't I promise myself that we weren't going to do this until I could move properly?" I grumbled to myself before I drowned in the pleasurable bliss only Bidziil could provide me with.

It was a few hours later before either of us appeared downstairs and judging by the raised brow from my father and the not so subtle smirk that Ye'iitsoh flashed me, the reason why we were late was more than clear.

I blushed as Bidziil steered me to the table, gently pushing me down on the seat as he went to fetch us both some breakfast. The table was very interesting, since I couldn't bring myself to look away from the wooden structure to look up at my dad.

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