Chapter 17

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Warning for those who haven't realized this is a gay-love book, don't start complaining now guys :)

—Bidziil's POV—

Anticipation swirled in my gut as I watched Thorn closely, looking for any type of reluctance as I slowly leaned closer to him. His eyes watched me as carefully as I was watching him, an almost childish anticipation and confusion lying in those blue depths, blushing as our bare skins brushed together.

I could feel my own skin blistering with heat as Thorn let out a small noise of appreciation, eyes flitting over my form before they flickered up to my own. A shiver coursed over my body at the barely hidden lust in his eyes and I was glad I had cared for my body, exercising regularly and eating healthy.

The room was only illuminated by the small bedside lamp, casting a soft golden glow over our bodies as we simply stared. it was a moment where we spoke without words, testing to see if the other was as willing as we were, hesitant to push and risk offending the other.

Finally, Thorn shifted the slightest bit underneath me, pushing himself up on his lower arms, wicked intent flashing in his eyes before one of his hands buried itself within my hair and tugged sharply. I followed willingly and groaned hungrily as I met Thorn halfway in a scorching kiss.

His breath brushed over my lips, tongue hesitantly flicking out to moisten them before he gasped when I caught the wet muscle between my teeth, gently sucking on his tongue before reaching into his mouth.

By Thorn's reaction alone, I knew that I was going to be his first, and his only if I could help it. I admit that there was a deep sense of pride coming from that inner caveman that every male possessed; the knowledge that my lover would only know my kiss, my touch and my flesh as I brought him endless pleasure?

It proved enough to drive me absolutely insane with a deep hunger and love for the man underneath me. With his consent, I could finally do what I've dreamt to do ever since he appeared in my life.

Free to do what I desired, my hands were quick to roam down from holding Thorn's slender neck to map his sculpted chest and the darker disks of his nipples. A smile crept on my face as I felt him shiver underneath my hands, a smile that was instantly swept away when I felt Thorn's own fingers grow rather adventurous.

That little minx had the nerve to smirk at me as his fingers sensually danced over my chest, stopping at my abdominals to trace the muscles carefully. Shivers of ecstasy ran over my body, goosebumps spreading as I watched Thorn's slender, pale fingers fan out against the toned skin of my stomach.

I could see his own lust and hunger, but also his apprehension and caution. Both were enough to settle the beast inside as I took a deep breath and allowed Thorn his little bit of fun.

Lowering myself carefully, I pressed myself all up against him, being mindful not to crush him. Our noses brushed together as I squeezed one hand underneath his head, softly cupping it before I claimed his lips with mine.

At first it was a simple peck, a brush of two pairs of lips before I let my tongue swipe out and trace the plump curve. Thorn inhaled sharply, slowly parting his lips and flicked his own tongue out to carefully meet mine in a kiss that was building in heat.

With my free hand, I traced a slow path down his body, pausing to circle his nipple with my thumb until I was awarded by his breathless moan. His fingers sank into my shoulders as I gave his nipple a teasing squeeze before I reached down further to trace the edge of his boxers.

"Hmm..." Thorn hummed against my lips, eyes heavily lidded before they closed all together when I sucked at his lower lip before going in for another taste of his mouth. He was addictive, a drug that never was enough; I needed more.

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