Chapter 24

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---Thorn's POV---

It was strange to realize how much you missed something, even if you never had it in the first place. How awkward it was to have a loving mother dote on you and look after you, to glance at you with a warmth from deep within her soul.

And each time I caught her gaze and she smiled in that peculiar way, a soft kindness I've only received once...

Arms wrapped tighter around my stomach and I glanced up with a smile, accepting a kiss from Bidziil as his eyes sparked with mischief and yet, that same warmth.

It's been a few weeks since God had arrived to smooth over the interactions between his unruly angels and our family. There hadn't been anymore attacks, no threats, nothing.

In fact, God had commanded several of his angels to go down to Earth and help the immortals and humans alike, to restore Earth to its former glory.

Most of the angels had protested vehemently but had quickly shut up and did as told when God had given them one pointed glare.

Turns out that it wasn't only Ashkii that had forgotten about the mortals on Earth. Many of the Angels had forsaken their duty overlooking mankind and guiding them over the years and had simply ignored the numerous pleas and calls for help.

Instead, they had been too busy processing the numerous amounts of prayers that had been sent to them over the centuries.

The few angels that didn't abandon mankind had a hard time fighting for the survival of their charge. It was one of the reasons that some humans made it out alive throughout the countless years of witch-hunts against their race.

Sadly enough, blessings from above were hardly enough against supernatural creatures breathing down the human's neck. And the angels couldn't physically fight the hordes of demonic entities, vampires, werewolves and whatever else lusted after the lives of the humans.

Now the angels that had neglected their cause were reaping the sour fruits of their labor. Those angels were assigned to deal with the aftermath of the massacre on earth, guiding the humans back on track.

God even ordered them to keep a close eye on them at all times, both to protect them from harm but also to make sure that the same events wouldn't transpire again.

And across the entire globe, a multitude of elves, Fae, pixies and other creatures that were closely involved with nature, started up the campaign to return Earth to its former glory.

A lot of natural wildlife had been lost, species going extinct due to habitat loss, pollution or being hunted. But, there was a lot of hope for the surviving species, as those would repopulate, mutate and create more.

A smile slipped on my lips as I glanced to the side, where Alduin was resting, deep rumbling breaths vibrating through his chest before one scaled eyelid blinked open to look my way.

"Going somewhere?" He yawned, stretching his neck to the skies in an impressive display of teeth before his wings ruffled. I dipped my head, feeling the growing urge to do my duty.

A huff of hot air blasted over my hair as Alduin reached down, the tip of his nose nearly touching the crown of my head.

"Take care of yourself, little one. Life has been much more entertaining since you've come here." The dragon spoke and I smiled, reaching out a hand to hold against the smooth scales of his jaw.

I didn't say anything and neither did Alduin, as I appreciated his concern. There were still some immortals out there that would harm a seemingly mortal on sight.

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