Chapter 25

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---Thorn's POV---

Switching realms tended to leave me dizzy and today was no different. Combined with the strain from performing my duties, I felt like a limp noodle in Bidziil's arms.

The Precursor didn't seem to mind, as he carried me effortlessly through the house, shouldering open some doors. I groaned in gratitude when I was gently lowered on the bed, not even managing to roll over to dig my face in the pillows.

"I'm so proud of you babe." Bidziil praised gently, untying my boots before removing them. I hummed softly, feeling grateful as Bidziil lovingly undressed me.

I was barely aware of my surroundings when he walked away from the bed, the sound of rushing water came in from the bathroom before I jolted when a moist washcloth touched my skin.

"It's okay hun, just freshening you up so you can take a nap." Bidziil soothed, mopping up the fine layer of sweat and grime off my stomach before gently flipping me over. Each time I used my powers, things became easier.

But at the moment it was still exhausting and left me shivering, feeling like jelly. I was unable to keep my eyes open, no matter how much I tried to do so.

The wash cloth left my body, flopping on the floor with a splat before a warm weight settled on my hips. A groan slipped out of my throat when a moment later warm, oiled hands rubbed over my back.

The oil heated up quickly, most likely helped by Bidziil's fire powers. Groan after groan got pulled from my throat as his fingers found each aching muscle, rubbing it in submission.

I was so relaxed by his massage that at the slightest touch of his fingers near my shoulders, my wings flexed and slipped out, making Bidziil chuckle.

The feathers quivered and flexed with his every caress, betraying the level of ecstasy he was massaging me into.

By the time that he had completely massaged my sore muscles, cleaned off his hands and pulled me into his chest, I was snoring quietly.

It wasn't until much later that I slowly regained consciousness. My body still felt warm and relaxed, thanks to my lovers' good care. Soft and steady breaths rocked me gently, puffing against my cheek.

Blinking slowly, I smiled when Bidziil's sleeping face came into view. Hair hanging messily over his eyes, arms still wrapped securely around me, he looked quite delicious.

A smirk slipped on my lips as I shifted my weight slightly, suppressing a chuckle when I felt Bidziil's arms tighten around me.

I shifted around slowly but surely until we were pressed together chest to chest, bodies intimately intertwined. Bidziil had always been taking such good care of me, it was only fair that I returned the favor.

My eyes lingered on the darker patches of skin underneath Bidziil's eyes, showing I wasn't the only one who suffered when I went out to perform my job.

Because even whilst I was the one who had to reverse a judgment call, Bidziil was there to keep me safe. There were still people out there, people who knew they were in the wrong and panicked when they realized their dirty deeds wouldn't go unpunished.

And often whilst I was trying to reverse their wrongdoings, they'd try and kill me, as a last ditch effort to keep their position in life.

A blind, stupid and instinctive reaction, as if killing me could fix their pitiful lives.

Bidziil made sure that they sorely regretted their decisions. And when my job was over, I was often too weak to stand on my legs.

Who knew that resurrecting people from the dead was a tiresome task?

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