Chapter 20

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---Thorn's POV---

Anger was a powerful emotion. It burned like fire, licking at your mind and consumed every rational thought. It numbed your other senses like ice until you could only the fire rushing through your veins, burning your flesh.

My fists were clenched tightly, a small trail of blood circling between my fingers as I glared down at the small lake. The center was pretty deep and the whole area had an ominous feel to it but above all, I could feel the pain, fear and despair.

A slight shimmer in the darkness caught my attention and I sensed Bidziil readying himself to fight if necessary. Instead, we both relaxed slightly as we caught the wispy form of a water pixie.

Her pale face was illuminated by the moonlight, tears endlessly pouring down her face as she wept silently. She spotted us but made no motion to come towards us, instead circling around the deepest part the lake.

"Is that...?"

I nodded at Bidziil's soft question, tilting my head slightly as I could sense the boy's spirit, lingering in the depths. Those bastards dumped him in the frigid water. Barely alive after their brutal assault and bleeding out.

The pixie had tried her best, even tried using her magic to heal the boy but when the vampires and wolves noticed, they took the boy out of the water and mauled him to death. The pixy's magic rendered useless as she couldn't revive anything without a pulse.

My powers throbbed just beneath the surface, my back aching as the bones flexed underneath my skin. I could sense Bidziil's distress as he tensed up and focused on the sound of beating wings fast approaching.

But my attention was fixed on the little boy in the murky depths of the lake. On his pain and confusion, how he wanted to reach out for the pixie, to have her hold him but he was unable to communicate to her. The pixie's pain filling my body and head until it felt like my skull would crack under the immense pressure.

"Give us the boy, Precursor."

The angel landed with a heavy thump, wings spread out threateningly as he held out a long, luminescent blade. His wings were a pure white, reflecting the rays of moonlight as I simply stared into the water.

"Why should I, Angel? All because of some false sense of justice?" Bidziil sneered, the air crackling as fire curled around his frame while he stood protectively behind me, shielding me from the Angel's view.

"No." Another voice whispered as another male angel descended from the sky and landed elegantly across the lake, eying us with contempt. "The boy's an abomination, his very birth against the rules."

Bidziil snorted at that. "And who are you, to take matters into your own hands, to chose who lives and who dies?" Their wings bristled in anger, eyes flashing dangerously. A female Angel floated closer, fluttering her wings to soften her landing as she eyes us with distain.

"Boys, the Precursor doesn't understand." She tapped forwards elegantly until her feet touched the water just barely, making the pixie cry out until she stepped back. "Listen Precursor, our laws are absolute. Angels aren't meant to reproduce."

"Nor are they meant to act on their own." Bidziil countered back effortlessly, making the angels huff in frustration. A low hum resounded through the air as I sensed for the child's murderers, reaching out for their life-force.

"We are meaning to undo what is wrong." Her eyes flitted to me before narrowing, though there was no true malice in her gaze, simply boredom. "They boy was never allowed to live in the first place."

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