Chapter Sixteen

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'Max. Come over now please. I need help.'
I texted my cousin as quickly as my fingers could move and it only took a minute from him to reply to say he was on his way. The threatening text couldn't have been true. My dad died a year ago and nowhere in the police report did it say that anybody else was killed.
I sat on the couch with nothing turned on, staring at the blank wall in front of me until Max arrived.
When I let him in, he pulled me into his chest and I cried onto his shirt.
"Sorry." I mumbled.
He laughed, "It's alright, kiddo. I've got plenty other shirts." He scooped me up and we sat together in the living room, "Tell me what happened."
I wiped away a tear and explained the whole situation to him, "There's this senior called Lori Peters who's been bullying me since my first day and now she's-"
Max cut me off, "Lori Peters? Blonde with green eyes, about 5'9, always wears Stilettos?"
I frowned, "That's her. Why?"
"Man," He sighed, leaning back, "We used to date in 10th grade. And I was close to her brother, Jordan Peters, before he passed away."
His words kept repeating in my mind.
"How did her brother die?" I said bluntly.
"He died in a car accident. Just got his license. Hit by a driver on the freeway about a year ago."
My heart was beating so fast I felt as if I was having a heart attack.
"Lee? Are you okay?" He asked.
I shook my head, "No. April 14 2013. Glen Anderson Freeway. I remember it all. My dad killed Jordan Peters."
Max looked just as pale as I did, "It's okay. That's in the past. It's big news, obviously, but don't let her push you around with this threat. If it makes you feel any better, I know a secret or two about her. Are you any good with revenge?"
"Depends. What do you know?" I flicked my fringe out of my face.
"Lori lies. All the time. She lied about almost everything in our relationship, especially about herself. She always told everyone that her dad was a millionaire, world renowned entrepreneur. That they had tons of money and that that was why she always had the most expensive clothes and furniture. Nope, all lies." He told me. I then created a binder of mental revenge notes.
"So what is she really like then?" I asked him.
"Take notes. Lori Peters is a lying, self-loving, assface. Her dad works in an office in Kentucky: their hometown. That's why he's never around. She buys her expensive clothes off her own cousins, and 90% of it are knock-offs from Ebay. And, the best of them all, her so called 'friends' are actually family members. Sofia, Ana, Sara, her cousins. Blake, Damian, Luke, her cousins' boyfriends."
I couldn't help myself from laughing, "Maximus Green, you are fantastic!"
He laughed too, "If she tries to threaten you again, use this against her."
"Oh, screw that! I'm tired of everything she tries to say about me. I'm telling this to the whole school first thing tomorrow. And you're coming with me."

A/N I'm really sorry that the last few chapters are pretty short. It was my birthday a couple days ago so I haven't really had the time to sit and write, what with high school and stuff.
So for now, here's another little filler chapter.
BTW!!! I do have a new book that I will be publishing as soon as this one is finished. It is a Cameron Boyce story, but it's not a romance.
I'm not saying anything else about it, you'll have to wait and see ;)
Anyways, have an awesome day/afternoon/night and I'll see you whenever!
smoochies ~ lola

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