Chapter 4

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I was walking through a dark forest scared out of my wits. I saw someone I recognized but I couldn’t see straight it was kind of blurry. I heard a noise off to my left I turned to look, and almost screamed but the person covered my mouth and hushed me. After that I woke startled at the crazy dream. I heard Ke$ha’s “Die Young” coming from my phone I got up and walked over to my phone. When I grabbed it, it said it was 2:40 in the morning. I swiped the button to answer the call.

“Hello.” I said.

“Is this Brooke Maye?”Answered an unfamiliar man.

“Yes who is this?”

“This is Stephen Conner.”

“Do I know you? Cause I don’t know anyone with the name Stephen.”

“No you don’t. I need to ask you a few questions.”

“You do know you woke me up and that its like I don’t know like 2:45 in the morning!?”

“Yes I do.” He stated.

“Fine,” I said frustrated. “Just go on with the questions.”

“Okay then. Do you know a Jason Merk?”

“Yes, why?” I said questionably.

“No reasons. Umm… do you know a Toralei Noir?”

“Yes I do, but barely.”

“Okay. Do you like to read books that are fantasy?”

“Yeah why?” And know I just got fed up with this, and I went rash. “Why are you asking questions about personal things! Nevermind I am hanging up!!” And with that I ended the call shut down my phone and tried to go to bed again. About 4 and a half hours later I woke to my brother singing “Telephone” by Lady Gaga. “What the!? Danny shut your mouth you are a horrible singer!!!” I yelled but it was the only way to make him shut his mouth. But just when you think it’s going to be quiet he opened the door and yelled.

“Shut your trap and get up because I made breakfast!” He yelled back.

“Well thats nice of you.” I said sympathetically. “Hey before you sing again you need singing lessons.” I added.

“Okay then, but I think I’m an amazing singer.”

“Sure you are,” I said as I patted his back. Then we headed downstairs for breakfast. “Good morning Mom, Toralei.” I narrowed my eyes at Toralei when I said her name and sat down next to my mom.

“Good morning to you to you look tired?”

“Well I had a crazy dream, then woke up to my phone. But I am okay nothing a little make up can’t fix.”

“Okay then sweetie. Danny so how is college going so far?”

“Well it’s going just fine I am taking Romanian and a vampire class.” He replied.

“Thats so cool I’ve always wanted to speak Romanian and learn more about vampires even if they do or do not exist!” I said excited even though that sentence made no sense at all. Then I just started eating and tuned out everyone else once I was done I got ready for school. I put on one of my plain black t-shirts and then put a really cute blue orange and white tank top. Grabbed one of my good pair of black leggings and a pair of denim shorts that looked very worn out and went into the bathroom to change. After changing I straightened my hair and put on my favorite grey eyeshadow. Then put on some sparkly peppermint chapstick and put on one of those key necklaces and some little lock earrings. Grabbed my backpack and my book Breathless and was out of my room.

I went into the kitchen to say goodbye to my mom and then was out the door. I called Aj. “Hey Aj I am walking to school is that okay with you?”

“Yeah of course it is. You seem cheery?”

“Yeah I am mostly because Danny made breakfast and second of all Jason is bringing me to school friday morning.”

“OMG!” Aj screamed through the phone. “I can’t believe that! That is so not like you to say yes to him.”

“I know and I mostly think he said it because he felt bad for my loss.”

“Well that’s interesting? Well you should start walking meet you at school.” And with that Aj hanged up on me. I started walking to school which felt like forever cause it was so boring talking to no one. But it’s a good thing that I brought my ipod to listen to.

-About 15 minutes later-

I arrived at the school in one piece. And there waiting for me was my best friends.

“Hey there girl!!” Yelled Melody.

“Hey there to you to Melody.” I said.

“So how was your walk?” Said Gracella.

“Ohh it was just fine, boring but fine.” I replied.

“Okay then lets get going” Said an exhausted Aj. So we started walking to the building.

As we walked in I noticed that people were staring at us so I whispered to Gracella.

“What's going on why are people staring at us?”

“I have no clue.” She whispered back. I looked at Aj she was staring people directly in the eyes a few seconds later…

“Hey people stop staring it’s not nice okay!!” Shouted an angry Aj. Immediately they turned and stopped staring. Me and the other girls just stared gawking at Aj and what she just did, it wasn’t usually how she acted. All of the sudden my phone started playing “Jar of hearts” by Christina Perri. I fumbled when I tried to get my phone out of my pocket.

“Hello this is Brooke, who is this?” I asked.

“This is Cece umm…. your cousin does it ring a bell!?” She stated back.

“Oh sorry Cece what do you want?”

“Well first of all I called to say I missed you, and that I need to tell you to tell your mom I coming to stay over for a while.”

“Why Cece?”

“Ummm….. no reason got to go. Tell your mom!! Okay bye!”

“Bye!?” I said worried.

“What was that about?” asked Cerise.

“It was Cece she said she is coming to stay over with us for a while?”

“Interesting.” Stated Melody while pretending to stroke a beard.

“Lets get to homeroom.” Suggested Aj and we all separated going in different directions.

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