Daydream 02: Those Yellow Parchments (Part I)

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[Imagined continuation from Book 1 Chapter 193]

"Lord Calypse."

Riftan raised his head upon hearing the voice. It was about time the darn wizard arrived. 

"You're late. Again."

As the door opened, Riftan could hear a whimper escaping from the pale lips of his wizard in response to the accusation. The commander glared at him with much annoyance. He then pointed to a mountain of documents piled on his office table.

"Trade reports from the southern lords have just arrived. I want a summary by tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow?! You're killing me with these reports! I've signed up to be Anatol's revered wizard and healer. Not the lord's delegate!"

The wizard whined again. He pinched a document from the stack for scrutiny, before throwing it back in disgust.

Riftan raised an eyebrow and tapped his fingers impatiently on the wooden table.

"Your present mage contribution is insignificant now with our safer territories. Perhaps I should start collecting rent from you?"

He scoffed when he saw the wizard shuddering upon his provocation.  

"Or maybe, I should take my land back."

"No! That tower is a sacred sanctuary that holds the most powerful learning of mag..."

The wizard hastily held his tongue when he read the knight's growingly ominous expression.

"Take those reports out with you. Now!"

Riftan snarled as he felt a familiar darkness rising through his chest. The wizard threw up his hands in defeat. However, the incurred wrath was barely simmered. Narrowing his eyes, Riftan could only divert his attention back to the documents in his futile attempt for self-control. He had too much work to be completed.

I'm done with this parasite.

Picking up a quill, the commander was about to sign on the parchment when he noticed that the irksome presence was still not going away. Riftan was about to yell when he observed that the bastard was now inspecting his office quietly. His ears heated up when the bluish grey eyes landed upon a disheveled ball of fabric in the office's corner.

"Why are you still sleeping in the office?"

"Says the one using the library as a bedchamber."

"Your health will suffer from sleeping poorly."

"It's none of your concern."

Riftan clenched his teeth painfully. The office was indeed his sleeping quarter for the past year. He knew it caused inconvenience for the servants, but this was the only few locations in the castle where he could contain his sanity.

"As the designated healer of Remdragon Knights, the wellbeing of Lord Calypse will always be of my priority. Not sleeping upstairs does not change the fact..."

"Get the fuck out of here."

Riftan's words were spat out like daggers. However, the wizard seemed undaunted by his threat and continued firmly.

"...that she is away. She'll be upset to see..."


The sound of glass shattering sealed the wizard's death. It was clear that the goblet was intentionally thrown to just miss him by an inch.

Under the Oak Tree - Head in the Puffy Clouds: A Collection of DaydreamsWhere stories live. Discover now