Daydream 04: Like Molten Copper

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Way past Book 2 Chapter 106 — this chapter was set in a time when everyone had just peacefully returned to Anatol.

[Special thanks to our talented Ria for the plot inspiration!]

"Why are we running?!"

Ruth Serbel yelled after the red puff of hair bouncing in the air, but his voice was drowned out by the howling wind.

The white-haired wizard mumbled irritably as he internalised the tiresome distance they had to travel for her intent. A soft cuss escaped past Ruth's chattering teeth. The duo was initially researching in the library about magical tool reinforcements when an inspiration struck Lady Calypse. Consumed by excitement, the lady immediately dragged them out for raw materials to test her hypothesis. It had been months since they had a proper shelter above their heads, and all he desired was  to just stay in his comfort zone surrounded by manuscripts.

Not running out here in the intolerable chill.

However, as the wind chilled his cheeks, a sense of pride overcame the wizard despite his initial irritation. Out of the blue, the first impression of this aristocrat floated into his mind. Maximillian Calypse used to be a frail noble who fainted at the sight of blood. The lady had since bloomed into an influential mage who played significant roles in two major wars. While he might never express it, Ruth was glad that he had discovered her mana affinity and groomed her magical potentials. She was one of the most hardworking and talented mages he had ever encountered, and despite the challenges going to Nornui and after, he was proud of his apprentice's achievement in such a short time span.

"We're reaching soon, Ruth. Keep up!"

The gentle chiding from Lady Calypse immediately landed his wandering thoughts back to reality. Gazing up, Ruth groaned when he felt his pores awakening to the sharp contrast in temperature as they approached the castle's forge. The wizard looked around nervously. Surrounding him were the shrieks of metals being tortured and cries of wood being ignited to the highest temperature possible.

"Ri- Riftan! I didn't know that you're here too!"


Ruth turned his attention to the baritone voice that always softened whenever he spoke the name of his wife. The wizard rolled his eyes instinctively upon seeing his commander's public display of affection. The couple had been married for some time already, but he could never stomach the chilling transformation of Riftan Calypse, commander of the fearless Remdragon knights, shrinking into a swooning puppy whenever he was near the lady.

"What are you doing out here? It's too dirty and dangerous."

As the Lord of Anatol tenderly reproached his lady, he pulled her closer and sealed his lips on her forehead. Her cheeks were reddened to the colours of bloomed poppies. The couple blissfully embraced, while Ruth groaned at their total disregard to the discomfort their surrounding company had to endure.

I swear I just saw flower petals swirling around him.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Ruth was about to retreat when a warm surge of emotions encapsulated his heart. The couple had been through so much the past few years, and it was only in the past few days that they could finally return home to rest. Memories of their challenges and misfortunes came flooding in, as he recalled the emotional turmoil the couple had to endure to be where they were now. Everyone in the castle was heartened that things were running back to its harmonious state.

Despite knowing the man for more than a decade already, Ruth had never seen his commander grin as broadly or bellow as painfully as he did around Maximillian Calypse. It was as if she was like his sun, his reason of living, and all he could do was to constantly revolve around her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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