Daydream 03: The Red Swaddle

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[Imagined continuation from Book 2 Chapter 1]

Warning: The following scenes may be triggering for some viewers, please read with discretion.

Riftan Calypse felt like his heart could burst out any moment soon. It had been eight dreadful hours of frantic pacing outside his room since he heard the news. His hair stood up every time he heard her scream, and the commander had to be forcefully held back by his knights to prevent him from charging into the room.

"I'll have to use stun magic on you if you do not stop this nonsense now, Lord Calypse. Our lady is already in the most experienced hands you can find in Wedon."

The commander narrowed his eyes upon the icy threat.

How can this idiot be so calm knowing that she is in such excruciating pain?

Riftan was about to return a sarcastic remark, but he held his tongue. Deep down, he knew that the wizard was right. There was nothing more they could do. He felt like a chained hound; emotionally desperate to charge in yet physically restrained by steel chains of rationality. Clenching his jaws tight, Riftan attempted to calm down. He hated that he was the contributor to her current torture, yet it was all part and parcel of life.

When the entrance to his bedchamber finally opened, the commander freed himself immediately from the restraints and sprung to the door. An old lady however stood in his path. Riftan glared at the frail woman with burning eyes. Does she really think that he can be stopped like this? Sensing the overwhelming pressure, the old lady flinched but addressed the Lord of Anatol firmly.

"We thought you'd like to see your child first, my lord."

Riftan's face twisted in confusion as he looked upon the bundle of fabric handled to him. As he took in the sight, his pupils dilated wildly. In his arms laid a small creature with its eyes closed. Its skin was ominously pale and raw, while its hair was grotesquely wet and sticky. The shade of color, however, was beautifully red like hers.

Just then, the creature stirred awake in his arms. Its eyelids started to twitch as its small mouth contorted to contain a yawn. Riftan looked upon the newborn in disbelief. His heart was swelling at the sight of this miracle.

However, a dark premonition soon seized his guts. The creature struggled to open its eyes, but when it did, two bloodshot orbs were staring straight at him. Riftan felt his blood running cold. Dark viscous fluid soon bled from the small slits of vision. His arms were increasingly strained, as the swaddle became heavily soaked with blood. Horrified, Riftan staggered backwards and felt himself helplessly consumed by an indescribable darkness.


Riftan yelled in horror as he sat straight up. His heart was palpitating wildly while his lungs were breathing erratically. An eerie sensation ran down his spine as he frantically looked around, before realising that it was yet another nightmare.

A full moon could be seen from the window, lending light into the room where he was sleeping in. Riftan ran his fingers through his disheveled hair and gritted his teeth. His entire body was drenched in cold sweat.

Darn, another sleepless night. 

Climbing out from his bed, the man took a seat by the fireplace to seek comfort in the light. He bent over to throw in more wood. The flames protested upon the violation but soon crackled under pressure.

Riftan sighed softly as he stared at the fire. Troubled, he picked up a bottle from the side table and prepared a strong drink.

This was his first night back at Anatol since returning from the Drachium Palace. He knew his trigger for the nightmare was birthed from the scene that burnt his soul in the palace.

Under the Oak Tree - Head in the Puffy Clouds: A Collection of DaydreamsWhere stories live. Discover now