Three - Fate? Destiny? Who Knows

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"Hey! Stop right there, Ri Jeong Hyeok!" Seo Dan bellowed, blocking Jeong Hyeok's angry charge towards the labour and delivery department. He was on a single-minded mission and he was in no mood for anyone standing in his way.

"Move, Dan."

"There are women pushing bowling ball-sized people out in there. You're not going in and making a scene. Don't make call security." Seo Dan stood, hands on her hips, looking as threatening as ever.

"I'm having a baby, I have a right--"

"No, you don't." Seo Dan cut him off.

"Excuse me?"

"The baby is still inside of her and quite honestly, as far as anyone concerned, the father is some nameless geek. So until Se Ri gives you the right, or until the baby is here and a DNA test proves you are the father, you have no right. Now stand down."

"Jeong Hyeok," Hye Jin broke in, her voice impassive. She took his hand and turned him towards her. "You're angry. You have every reason to be. But storming in there right now and yelling at her while she's in labour can't be good for anyone."

"Listen to the step mum, Jeong Hyeok. She is smart."

The righteous indignation that accompanied the revelation of his soon-to-be fatherhood had cause tunnel vision, but fear and guilt were pushing their way into Jeong Hyeok's head now. There was more to think about than him and Se Ri and the immediate obstacle between him and her.

Hye Jin.

She had been exceedingly understanding about the fact that he'd had an affair, but this was a whole different ballgame. And yet she was still here. If he were in her shoes, he'd be halfway to Incheon by now.

"Oh god, Hye Jin. I am so sorry."

"Don't," she said coldly, holding a hand up between them. "Now is not the time or place. We have to deal with the reality in front of us. We can talk about ramifications later."

He looked back and forth between Hye Jin and the swinging doors between him and Se Ri-- and his baby. God, he was having a baby. And there was no doubt in his mind this baby was his.

"Look," Seo Dan stated in an uncharacteristically compassionate tenor, "We'll figure this out, but you going in there right now is only make things worse. Stress can affect the baby. We don't want a complicated delivery. Once she's born, I'll talk to Se Ri."

Jeong Hyeok's eyes shot up to meet Seo Dan, "She?"

Seo Dan nodded, "It's a girl."

He felt a flicker of warmth in his gut at the image, a daughter.

"Your sister probably wondering where we are," Hye Jin said. "I am going to head back to the waiting room."

"Yes, go along and sit in the waiting room." Seo Dan added.

Jeong Hyeok reached Hye Jin's hand but she pulled it away. And action which obviously didn't go unnoticed to Seo Dan.

"You'll tell me when... when she's here?" he asked, his voice choked with emotions.

"You'll be my first call," Seo Dan replied with a roll of her eyes.

Despite her sarcasm, he knew Seo Dan would follow through. That had to be enough for now. Jeong Hyeok nodded in acceptance. "I'll be in the third floor waiting room."

Jeong Hyeok and Hye Jin turned and made their way back towards the elevator that would take them to Young Ae and her husband. The distance between them was only a few inches, but it felt like a continent. There were no comforting touches, no soothing words. Hye Jin's face remained completely emotionless.

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